Under a full moon, this human has the ability to shapeshift.
What is a Werewolf?
He is pleasant and personable and most often friendly.
What is Casper?
In what country is Kit Kat sold in over 200 flavours?
What is Japan?
Which Catholic Church Holiday is Halloween linked to?
What is All Hallows' Eve?
Which fruit is normally foraged for a Halloween display?
What is a Pumpkin?
This animal was believed to protect withes' powers from negative forces.
What is a Black Cat?
Every Halloween, Charlie Brown helps his friend Linus wait for what character to appear?
What is The Great Pumpkin?
What is Candy Corn?
Which country was the first to establish the practice of Halloween?
What is Ireland?
While black represents the death of summer, orange is emblematic of _____?
What is the Autumn Season?
18th century European folklore creature that subsists by feeding on the vital essence of the living.
What is a Vampire?
Name this hit from Bobby and the Crypt-Kickers.- "It was a graveyard smash".
What is Monster Mash?
What is M&M?
Method previously used to deceive ghosts and avoid being terrorized by evil spirits.
What is Scary Costumes?
In what century did the Haunted House become a popular attraction?
What is the 19th Century?
This creature is known for robbing graves.
What is a Ghoul?
This is the key ingredient in the Hocus Pocus witches' life potion.
What is a dead man's toe?
This famous candy bar is named after the family horse.
What is Snickers?
Named after "Stingy Jack" what was typically used to create a Jack O' Lantern?
What is Turnips?
Game originated from a Roman harvest festival held in honor of the Goddess Pomona?
What is Apple bobbing?
In some mythologies, this character is imagined as a personified force.
What is the Grim Reaper?
Author of the gothic novel also known as The Modern Prometheus.
Who is Mary Shelley?
The five original Skittle flavors include strawberry, lemon, grape, orange and ____ .
What is Lime?
Halloween has its origins in which ancient Celtic festival?
What is the Festival of Samhain?
In what country was the first written account of children using the phrase “trick or treat” on Halloween?
What is Canada?