The part of the atmosphere where most weather occurs.
What is the troposphere?
What are the VFR weather requirements to enter Class A airspace?
How old must someone be in order to obtain a private pilot certificate?
At least 17 years old
As listed in 61.3, what documentation must a pilot have on them to operate as PIC of an aircraft?
Government Issued Photo ID
Pilot's Certificate
Of the three classes of medicals, what is the minimum class of medical that a private pilot must have to operate an aircraft?
Third Class Medical
What two elements must be present for icing to form?
Visible moisture
Near freezing temperatures
What communication must happen with the pilot before they are allowed to enter Class B airspace?
A pilot takes medication and is uncertain as to whether or not he/she can fly having taken that medication. Where would the pilot find out if the medication would effect his/her ability to fly?
Medications list on the FAA website
What kind of inspection does Purdue use to meet the requirements of both the 100-hour and annual inspections?
Progressive inspection
What class of medical must an airline pilot have?
First Class Medical
What kind of cloud is most often associated with thunderstorms?
Is Class D airspace a controlled or uncontrolled airspace?
What are the two alcohol measuring requirements that a pilot must comply with in order to be fit to fly?
8 hours bottle to throttle
BAC less than .04
What are the necessary documents that must be on an aircraft in order for it to be considered airworthy?
Airworthiness certificate
Radio Station License (only outside the lower 48)
Operation handbook (POH)
Weight and Balance Data
You are 25 years old and receive your first class medical on 05/03/2023. When do the privileges of that first class medical expire?
Why are the winds aloft almost always different from the winds at the surface?
Ground friction
What are the weather requirements to enter Class E airspace above 10,000 feet MSL?
5 SM of visibility; 1,000 feet above the clouds; 1,000 feet below the clouds; 1 SM horizontal.
What is the privilege related to cost of the aircraft that a private pilot must comply with that a commercial pilot doesn't necessarily need to comply with?
Pro Rata Share
What are the required inspections of an aircraft?
VOR check (for IFR operations)
Inspections (100-hour/annual)
How long is a third class medical good for if you receive it over the age of 40 years old?
24 calendar months
What are the three stages of a thunderstorms lifecycle?
Developing stage
Mature stage
Dissipating stage
What are the weather, equipment, and pilot certificate requirements to enter Class B Airspace?
3 SM of visibility, clear of clouds
Two-way radio, Mode-C transponder, ADS-B out
Private Pilot (endorsed by instructor is an acceptable answer as well)
What are TWO elements of the IMSAFE checklist that a pilot uses to determine weather or not he/she is fit to fly?
Emotions/Eating/Everything else
Name two items on the operative equipment listed in 91.205 that are required for an aircraft to be considered airworthy during the day. The acronym for this list is:
Airspeed indicator
Oil pressure gauge
Manifold pressure gauge
Temperature gauge
Oil temperature gauge
Fuel gauge
Landing gear postion lights
Anti-collision lights
Magnetic compass
You are 56 years old and receive your second class medical on 07/11/2023. As of 05/17/2024, what privileges does that medical operate under and how long will medical be good under those privileges?
Second Class Medical until 07/31/2024, reverts to 3rd class until 7/31/2025