Cognitive Distortions
Family Roles

This condition includes fluctuating moods between mania and depression.

Bonus Points: Experiencing 4 or more of these cycles in one year adds on this additional title

Bipolar Disorder


Rapid Cycling


This region of the brain is the most primal and regulates our fight or flight response

Brain Stem


The expectation that a situation will turn out badly without adequate evidence

Fortune Telling


This family role is thought of as the "good child." Also known as the "responsible child." This person is a high achiever, carries the pride of the family, and overcompensates in order to avoid the image andfeeling of being inadequate. He/She has the skill of being a leader, being an organizer, being goal oriented, and being self disciplined. They often lack spontaneity, the ability to play, follow, and relax, and usually needs to be right.

the "Hero"


Who is the founder of AA?

Bill W


This condition includes symptoms such as loss of interest, excessive sleeping, inability to sleep and sadness



This chemical influences the reward response in the brain



Making broad interpretations from a single or few events. "I felt awkward during my job interview. I am always so awkward."



This member of the family is the "identified patient," meaning the person that other family members feel needs the most help. Usually this is the family member who is in treatment. This person carries the family system's symptoms the obvious person with the problems because the family system is not willing to work through its problems or doesn't have the skills to work through problems. The strengths of this person are: the willingness to be close to his/her own feelings, a greater level of honesty, and at times a sense of humor. However, there may also be an inappropriate expression of feelings, and the person may experience social and emotional problems. At times he/she is unable to follow direction.



These three steps state:

We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable; Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity; Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him

Steps 1, 2 and 3 


This condition is fear based and includes symptoms such as irritability, excessive worry, insomnia and difficulty concentrating



This brain system regulates emotions and feelings and is the second stage of brain evolution in humans and mammals

Limbic System


Interpreting the meaning of a situation with little or no evidence

Jumping to conclusions


this is the subservient good child, obedient, passive and hidden in the trauma. The pay off is that he/she avoids being a problem. He/She does not take the time or energy that other children (i.e., Scapegoat) do. He/She has the ability to be flexible and easy going. However, he/she usually lacks direction, is fearful of making decisions, and follows without questioning

"Lost Child"


"Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs" is step ____________



 treatable mental disorder that affects a person’s brain and behavior, leading to their inability to control their use of substances like legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, or medications. Symptoms can be moderate to severe, with addiction being the most severe form

Substance Use Disorder


This part of the brain is where brain activity for empathy, communication, rational thinking, creativity and MORE!



The assumption that a situation will turn out badly without adequate evidence

Emotional Reasoning


uses humor to offset the conflict of the family and to create a sense that things are okay. This person has a talent to readily lighten the moment yet he/she hides his/her genuine personality.



What year was AA formed?



A disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. Fear is a part of the body's “fight-or-flight” response, which helps us avoid or respond to potential danger.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder


This part of the brain controls behavior and is not fully formed until age 26

Pre-frontal cortex


The belief that things should be a certain way

Should Statements


takes care of others' needs and emotions and problem-solves for others in the system; he/she might have difficulty with conflict. He/She takes on the role of rescuer in the name of helping others, though the true meaning is to take care of his/her own needs, such as relieving anxiety. He/She is a Mediator, yet doesn't realize that helping hurts at times. This person lives with a lot of guilt and is challenged with being able to focus on him/herself.



True or False: A "closed" AA meeting means you can bring family and friends