Literature Continued
Informational Continued

All the people agreed, except one. Max, the dog trainer, who _________ treated the people very harshly. 



will have 




At what time of day does the speaker spot his father returning home? 

A. middle of the night 

B. early morning 

C. afternoon 

D. evening 



How does the reader know that this story is told from David's point of view? 

A. It offers a first-hand telling of events. 

B. It includes his opinions about certain characters. 

C. It describes the story's events in an exciting tone. 

D. It provides limited detail about the events. 

It offers first-hand telling of events. 


Based on the information in the passage, which phrase describes Madge Syers? 

A. She loved to spend time with her family. 

B. She was happiest when learning new things. 

C. She was a pioneer for equal treatment of women. 

D. She enjoyed getting attention for her sparkling costumes. 

She was a pioneer for equal treatment. 


What does the word bested mean as it is used in this sentence? "By the time she made it to the Olympics, she already had bested some of the top skaters-both men and women-in the world." (paragraph 2) 

A. confused 

B. defeated 

C. worked harder than 

D. become more popular than 



The girl went shopping at Forever 21, Bath and Body Works, ______________ today. 

Costco. And Rue 21

Costco --and Rue 21 

Costco, and Rue 21

Costco; and Rue 21

Costco, and Rue 21

What sentence supports your answer from question 1? 

He was off down the road. The sun climbed the sky till noon and then slid down till it sat like an orange ball on the edge of the earth. And there-a black shadow on the setting sun-came my daddy. The bulging laundry bag was slung over his shoulder. I ran to him. 

And there- a black shadow on the setting sun-came my daddy. 


What is meant by the phrase bone and muscle in this sentence? 

"I've bone and muscle for you Davey-boy," my daddy answered, loosening the drawstring. (paragraph 12) 

A. Animal meat 

B. Various tools

C. A difficult task 

D. Nutritious food 

Nutritious food 


Which detail supports the answer that she was a pioneer for equal treatment of women? 

A. "In glittering getups, they perform tricky twists and twirls." 

B. "Syers mastered skating in the English style early, winning several competitions."

 C. "Her husband, who also served as her coach, encouraged her." 

D. "Syers forever changed the world of figure skating." 

Syers forever changed the world of figure skating. 


How was learning the international style of figure skating important for Syers's career? 

A. It gave her a new challenge. 

B. It expanded her style of skating. 

C. It showed her the importance of appearance. 

D. It allowed her to work more closely with her coach. 

It expanded her style of skating. 


As the chief's follower and _________________ worked to unite the people. 

spokesman, John 

spokesman John 

spokesman John,

spokesman, John 


What lesson did David's father learn from Sammy? 

A. Pecan trees are a healthy food source. 

B. Working hard creates a sense of pride. 

C. Humor can make hard times easier. 

D. Adapting to harsh conditions aids in survival. 

Humor can make hard times easier. 


Which statement can be supported by paragraphs 15-17? 

A. David's family was not very generous. 

B. Squirrels cannot eat nuts still in its shell. 

C. Each night, Sammy ate a pecan left for him. 

D. One of the pecans turned into a large pecan tree. 

Each night, Sammy ate a pecan left for him. 


How does the author support the claim that figure skating had boundaries for women that were not there for male skaters? 

A. by descrbing the accomplishments of Madge Syers's figure-skater husband. 

B. by showing how the ISU reacted to Madge Syers competing in international competitions. 

C. by including the information about popular opinion about Madge Syers skating in the Olympics. 

D. by explaining the differences for Madge Syers between learning the British and International styles of skating. 

By showing how the ISU reacted to Madge Syers competing in international competitions. 


What are two main ideas of the passage? 

A. Hard work and meeting challenges will lead to success. 

B. International sports unions have to much control over athletes. 

C. Female athletes deserve the same opportunities as male athletes. 

D. Madge Syers's Olympic victory was an important moment in history. 

International sports unions have too much control over athletes. Madge Syers's Olympic victory was an important moment in history. 


The chiefs buried their weapons. On that ______________ the Tree of Great Peace. 

spot, they planted 

spot, they, planted 

spot--- they planted 

spot, they planted,

spot, they planted


What does the word "slung" mean as it is used in this sentence: "The bulging laundry bag was slung over his shoulder." (paragraph 10) 

A. Heavy 

B. Opened 

C. Dragging along

D. Thrown backward 

Thrown backward 


What does the reader learn about Grandpa David as a boy because the story is told from his point of view? 

A. His family enjoyed snacking on apples. 

B. His family did not have very much money. 

C. His father preferred to look for food by himself. 

D. His mother did not have a good sense of humor. 

His family did not have very much money. 


Which aspect of Madge Syers's skating does the author emphasize with the phrase string of victories in paragraph 5? 

A. Syers's confidence was supported by her skills as a skater. 

B. Syers's wins created the need for a women's championship. 

C. Syers was more successful skating alone than with a partner. 

D. Syers was a strong skater whose triumphs came one right after another. 

Syers was a strong skater whose triumphs came one right after another. 


What two details support the two main ideas of this text? 

A. Syers continued skating after the ISU banned her. 

B. The ISU's ban on female skaters lasted only two years. 

C. Syers competed in singles and pairs figure skating competitions. 

D. Syers defeated both men and women in the course of her career. 

E. Syers won the first women's skating gold medal at the 1908 Olympics. 

The ISU's ban on female skaters lasted only two years. Syers won the first women's skating gold medal at the 1908 Olympics. 


On that spot, they planted the ______________. 

Tree of Great peace 

Tree of great peace 

Tree of Great Peace 

Tree of great peace

Tree of Great Peace


How does the author use the first two paragraphs to prepare the reader for the rest of the story? 

A. She explains the main theme of the story. 

B. She introduces all of the story's main characters. 

C. She makes it clear that this story took place a long time ago. 

D. She identifies the squirrel as an important character in the story. 

She identifies the squirrel as an important character in the story. 


Laughter cam bubbling out of him like a pot of boiling water. 

What figurative language is this? 



What does the author tell the reader by describing the competition in paragraph 4? 

A. that Syers wanted to feel comfortable while skating. 

B. how important the Syers's clothes were to the skating judges

C. how different the 1902 contest was because of Syers's participation. 

D. that the judges worried about the audience's reaction when Syers performed

Hw different the 1902 contest was because of Syers's participation. 


What is the meaning of soar as it is used in this sentence. "These amazing athletes soar across the glassy surface, at once graceful and powerful." (paragraph 1) 

A. to show the speed and smoothness of movement 

B. to show how difficult figure skating can be 

C. to highlight the skaters' bird-like costumes 

D. to explain how high Syers could jump. 

To show the speed and smoothness of movement.