Job Openings & Applications
Resume/Reference list/Cover Letter/Letter of Explanation
True or False
Should you practice for your interview
Yes, practicing will help you improve your answer response time and will also help have responses in mind.
As a juvenile are you technically adjudicated or convicted?
Adjudicated. Most people do not understand the difference and may think you are being dishonest. It is very important that you are able to explain this.
What is the very first thing that should be on everyone's resume?
What is their name. (First and Last)
True or False: Are your records automatically sealed?
False: Records are not automatically sealed.
What is the average time a recruiter spends on a resume?
What is 5-7 seconds.
What are three "Interview Dos"
Bring a pen and paper Arrive 15 minutes early Leave phone in car or turn it off Greet everyone in a courteous manner Smile and stay positive Make eye contact Firm handshake Speak clearly Speak loud enough to be heard Sit still Relax Thank Interviewer Send a thank you letter
What are four common questions that appear on an application?
Schooling Past employment Desired pay Hours and days available Part time or full time Transportation US Citizen Name and personal address information If you are older than 18
When providing references... Do you need to contact your references and ask them first if you can list them?
Yes, you need to contact them first.
True or False: Should you smile when you are on the phone with a potential employer?
True: He/She will hear the difference in your tone of voice just by if you are smiling or not.
How long is the average interview?
What is 40 minutes.
What are three "Interview Don't"
Chew gum or smoke Put anything on the interviewer's desk Play nervously with your keys, jewelry or pen Slouch or look tired Mumble or speak softly Avoid eye contact Look scared or nervous Fidget Argue, act defensively or secretive Talk too little or too much Wear a hat or sunglasses Talk about personal problems Talk negatively about past schools or jobs Use slang Forget to shut off phone Answer phone
At any point on a resume or job application should an individual put "same as above" or "see resume"??
No, absolutely not!! Never take the "lazy way" out!! Take your time, employers look for these responses to eliminate potential employees.
What are three things a letter of explanation includes?
What you are on probation for What you have learned from being on probation Why you are interested in the position What you have done since the incident How you have taken responsibility for your actions
Is it important to get involved in school clubs and volunteering for service in the community? Why?
Yes, this builds your resume and your confidence level. Your skills level will be increased. You can explore careers and interests. This will increase your odds of receiving scholarships. You can make new friends. This will also keep you motivated
How long does it take for an employer to get the impression to hire you or not?
1/10 of a second
What is the most popular interview question?
Tell me about yourself..
Where are four places an individual may look for potential employment opportunities?
Newspaper Hiring websites Facebook Direct contact with businesses Private Employment Agencies/Temporary Agencies Government Workforce Centers Ask around Help wanted signs Volunteer Services Revisiting old opportunities-places you have previously applied or interviewed
What percentage of resumes are now posted online?
What is 90% are now posted online or sent via email.
True or False:You should wait until the employer asks about your criminal case.
False. You need to be upfront and honest. This should be one of the first things that YOU bring up in your interview.
What percent of employers will look on Facebook for information about you?
What is 68%.
What is the number one thing you should do after a interview?
Make sure you have an appropriate voicemail set-up.
Before submitting your application and resume, what should you do?
Reread the whole thing at least twice!! Example: Objective: I would like to become a full-time pubic consultant. Instead of pubic it was suppose to say public.... Word spell check doesn't pick up everything!!
What is the difference between personal and professional references?
Personal references- people that have never worked with you in a traditional job setting. Do not include family. Professional references- people who can vouch for your qualifications for a job. Ex) colleagues, supervisors, and former employers.
True or False: Should you cover up all tattoos and piercings for an interview.
True: Even though not all employers will care if you have tattoos and piercings you should cover them until you know the protocol for the business. Remember you will be the face of the business to the public. Not presenting yourself in a positive manner may be a huge negative factor in the hiring decision.
What percent of applicants are actually qualified for the jobs they apply for?
What is only 35%.