Physical Health
Mental Health
Daily Routines

What is something you can do to prevent spreading germs?

wash your hands, cover your cough, stay home when sick, etc.


Who are good people to have in your support system?

parents, siblings, other family, house staff, center staff, social workers, case workers, therapists, doctors


Where are good places to shelter during a tornado, either at Rise or at home?

rooms without windows; bathrooms, closets, oak room

under stairs, basement areas with no windows/exterior doors


What is the number we call when there is an emergency?

911 first, trusted family/friends/staff next

How many times per day should you brush/floss your teeth?

brushing twice/day, flossing once/day


What should we do when something hurts or doesn't feel right?

see a doctor


What can you do if someone around you is upsetting you?

tell the person to stop, walk away, find a new seat, tell staff or another trusted person

What should you wear on a very hot summer day?

sunscreen, lightweight breathable clothes, hat, sunglasses

Where should you go if there is a fire?

at rise: outside on the grass by the garbages

anywhere else: use emergency exits, find a safe spot to meet outside, far away from the fire


What meal is important to eat every day?



How much sleep should you try to get every night?

6-8 hours

What are some signs our bodies give us to let us know we are having a hard time mentally/emotionally?

feeling sad, tiredness, getting sick frequently, being irritable or sensitive with others, muscle tension, inability to focus


What should you wear on a very cold winter day?

hat, gloves/mittens, scarf, good heavy jacket, warm layers, boots, warm socks


What should you do if you are injured?

call help, 911, staff or family. go to a doctor if needed and follow the treatment plan they give you


How do you maintain good hygiene?

brushing/flossing, bathe regularly, wash hair, use deodorant, keep a clean living space, etc.


How do we prepare our bodies for doing physical activities?


How are some ways we can feel better after a bad day?

do your favorite hobbies, take a bath/shower. take a nap, be with friends or your support system, etc.

How do we know when dangerous weather is coming?

national weather alerts, environmental cues like high wind, hail or heavy rain, tornado sirens


How should you handle getting lost or separated from your family or group?

stay where you are if it is safe, find an employee to help if at a store, find a phone to call someone trusted, find police or other emergency workers

What are some ways we can remember to do our daily routine?

planner/calendar, timers or reminders on phone, asking those around you to help with your routine, setting up for the next day at night, etc.


How often should we use caffeine, alcohol, or non-prescribed medications?

infrequently; if taking any of these disrupts your day, you may be using it too much 


What are some unhealthy ways to cope with mental health issues?

lashing out at others, self injury, complete isolation, ignoring warning signs, etc.


Name 5 types of severe weather

tornadoes, flooding, hailstorm, extreme cold/polar vortex, hurricanes, extreme heat, wildfires, blizzard


What are some important phone numbers to memorize or have on your person?

family, emergency services


Why is it important to stick to some type of daily routine?

to keep up on mental and physical health, have a sense of consistency and control, foster healthy living skills, etc.