
The main purpose of the ___________ was to encourage westward expansion by providing 160 acres of public land to settlers who were willing to farm it for at least five years.

 Homestead Act


How did the Dawes Act change the land ownership structure for Native Americans?

 The Dawes Act divided tribal lands into individual allotments, promoting private ownership and reducing the overall land held by Native American tribes.


What Supreme Court case established the "separate but equal" doctrine?

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


What term is used to describe the organized groups that controlled political parties in cities during the Gilded Age?

What are political machines?


Who was the prominent political cartoonist known for his critiques of political corruption during the Gilded Age?

Who is Thomas Nast?


How many acres of land were granted to settlers under the Homestead Act?



What was the intended outcome of the Dawes Act regarding Native American assimilation?

The intended outcome was to promote assimilation by encouraging Native Americans to adopt farming and individual land ownership, similar to Euro-American practices.


What was the outcome of the 1876 election that effectively ended Reconstruction?

 What is the Compromise of 1877?


Name a famous political machine that dominated New York City politics during the Gilded Age.

 What is Tammany Hall?


What did the Gilded Age economic landscape look like for industrial capitalists compared to farmers and wage earners?

What is significant wealth concentration among industrialists contrasted with poverty and struggle for farmers and wage earners?


Name one major city that was significantly impacted by the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad.

Omaha, Nebraska, was a major city significantly impacted by the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad.


 How did federal policies toward American Indians affect their cultural practices?

Federal policies often suppressed cultural practices, languages, and traditions, leading to significant cultural loss and disconnection from heritage.


Following the Compromise of 1877, what laws were established to enforce racial segregation in the South?

What are Jim Crow laws?


What was the name of the scandal involving the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad that led to the Credit Mobilier scandal?

What is the Credit Mobilier scandal?


Name one group that faced economic challenges due to the rise of industrial capitalism during the Gilded Age.

Who are farmers?


Explain one positive and one negative consequence of the Homestead Act.

A positive consequence for settlers was the opportunity for land ownership; a negative consequence for Native Americans was the loss of their ancestral lands and subsequent displacement.


Discuss the impact of the Dawes Act on tribal landholdings.

 The Dawes Act resulted in the loss of millions of acres of tribal land, significantly reducing the landholdings of Native American tribes.


What did the Compromise of 1877 entail in exchange for Rutherford B. Hayes's presidency?

What is the withdrawal of federal troops from the South?


What was the main goal of civil service reform during the Gilded Age?

What is to eliminate patronage and establish a merit-based system for government jobs?


Name a primary reason for James A. Garfield's assassination.

Garfield's assassination was largely motivated by the contentious political climate surrounding the patronage system, also known as the "spoils system." This system allowed politicians to reward their supporters with government jobs


stimulation of trade, the growth of industries such as steel and agriculture, and the establishment of a national market, which contributed to the rapid economic growth of the United States are a direct result of what?

Transcontinental Railroad


What was the primary purpose of Native American boarding schools established in the 19th century? And name one of the most infamous schools.

 To educate Native American children in Euro-American customs and values. Carlisle Indian School


Who was the prominent African American leader advocating for the migration of African Americans? What were they called, and where did they go?

Pap Singleton




Which act, passed in 1883, established a system for competitive exams for federal jobs?

What is the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act?


Associate the innovators with their industrial and technological contributions. Choose 5

Alexander Graham Bell

Henry Bessemer  Andrew Carnegie ● Thomas Edison ● J.P. Morgan ● John D. Rockefeller ● Nikola Tesla ● Cornelius Vanderbilt ● Madam C.J. Walker ● George Washington Carver  

Alexander Graham Bell Patent the telephone

Henry BessemerDeveloped the Bessemer process Andrew Carnegie Led the expansion of the steel industry in the U.S. 

Thomas Edison Developed the electric light bulb, phonograph

J.P. played a key role in financing and consolidating industries

John D. Rockefeller Founded Standard Oil Company 

Nikola Tesla Developed alternating current (AC) 

Cornelius Vanderbilt Built a transportation empire through railroads and shipping

Madam C.J. Walker Created a successful line of beauty and haircare products for African American women, becoming one of the first female self-made millionaires

George Washington Carver Promoted agricultural science and developed crop rotation methods; known for his work with peanuts.