This ruler of Germany dismissed Otto von Bismarck in 1890, ending his tenure as Chancellor.
Who is Kaiser William II?
This 1864 conflict saw Prussia and Austria join forces to seize Schleswig and Holstein from this nation.
What is Denmark?
This 1905 event, where peaceful protesters were fired upon by the Tsar’s guards in St. Petersburg, sparked widespread unrest in Russia.
What is Bloody Sunday?
Meaning "The Resurgence," this term refers to the 19th-century movement for Italian unification.
What is Il Risorgimento?
This pragmatic approach to politics, famously used by Otto von Bismarck, prioritizes power and practical goals over ideology or ethics.
What is Realpolitik?
These were the two legislative houses of the German Empire, one representing the states and the other the people.
What are the Bundesrat and the Reichstag?
This 1866 war between former allies resulted in Prussia’s dominance over Germany and the exclusion of Austria from German affairs.
What is the Austro-Prussian War?
This Russian tsar, known for emancipating the serfs, was assassinated in 1881 by members of the revolutionary group "People’s Will."
Who is Alexander II?
This Italian nationalist and military leader, known for his Red Shirts, played a key role in unifying southern Italy.
Who is Giuseppe Garibaldi?
This term refers to the formal act of incorporating a territory into a country, often through conquest or political agreements.
What is Annex?
Bismarck’s struggle against the Catholic Church in the 1870s, aimed at reducing its influence in Germany, was known by this term.
What is the Kulturkampf?
This 1904-1905 war saw an Asian power defeat a European empire for the first time in modern history, shifting global perceptions of power.
What is the Russo-Japanese War
In 1825, Russian army officers led this failed uprising, demanding a constitutional government instead of autocratic rule.
What is the Decembrist Revolt?
This Italian nationalist founded "Young Italy" and advocated for a unified, republican Italy through revolutionary means.
Who is Giuseppe Mazzini?
This system, common in medieval and early modern Europe, bound peasants to the land and made them dependent on landowners.
What is Serfdom?
This Prussian king became the first emperor of the German Empire in 1871.
Who is Kaiser William I?
This 1870-1871 conflict resulted in the collapse of the Second French Empire and the unification of Germany under Prussian leadership.
What is the Franco-Prussian War?
This policy, promoted by Tsar Alexander III and Nicholas II, aimed to suppress non-Russian cultures and enforce Russian language, traditions, and Orthodox Christianity.
What is Russification?
Italy gained control of this Austrian-held territory in 1866 after allying with Prussia in the Austro-Prussian War.
What is the Acquisition of Venice?
This high-ranking political official, often second only to a monarch, was the title held by Otto von Bismarck in Germany.
What is Chancellor?
Bismarck secretly promised this French emperor territorial gains in Luxembourg or Belgium but later betrayed him, contributing to tensions that led to war.
Who is Napoleon III?
Led by Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1860, this campaign saw a thousand volunteers conquer southern Italy, contributing to the unification of the country.
What is the Expedition of the Thousand?
Established by Alexander II, these local councils were responsible for education, infrastructure, and health services in rural Russia.
What is the Zemstvo?
This 1870 event, in which Italian forces took control of the Papal States, completed Italy’s unification.
What is the Annexation of Rome?
This term describes the act of granting freedom to a group of people, such as serfs or slaves, often through legal or political means.
What is Emancipation?