This fascist dictator was called “Il Duce” (eel DOO chay), meaning “The Leader.”
Benito Mussolini
In Germany, Hitler took away their citizenship, did not let them work certain jobs, urged people to attack and rob them.
Jewish people
Germany, Italy, Japan.
The Axis Powers
The German Blitzkrieg was used to conquer Poland. First the Luftwaffe bombed, then tanks came in, and then ground troops. Blitzkrieg means:
Lightning war
The number of Jewish people who were victims of the Holocaust.
6 million
Bolshevik leader in Russia who established the communist Soviet Union. He promised his people "peace, land, and bread."
Vladimir Lenin
Lenin's economic plan in which the state kept control of banks, foreign trade, and large industries, but it allowed some capitalist ventures, such as small businesses, that could reopen for private profit. Peasants held on to small plots of land and freely sold their surplus crops.
New Economic Policy
Britain, France, Soviet Union, U.S., China.
The Allied Powers
The D-Day battle resulted in U.S. troops joining British troops in _____ and freeing it from Axis control.
Appeasement is:
Giving in to the demands of an aggressor to keep the peace.
This dictator gained power by promising to end reparations, create jobs, and build up the military again.
The reason Japan bomb the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor.
The U.S. stopped selling Japan materials such as iron, steel, and oil.
Britain's prime minister during World War II.
Winston Churchill
These two events ended the war with Japan during World War II.
The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The United States established democracy in these two countries at the end of World War II.
Japan and Germany
This communist dictator used secret police, spying, controlled the press, sent protestors to the Gulag, and used the Great Purge.
Joseph Stalin
These "Big Three" met at the Yalta conference to plan for the end of World War II.
Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.
United States president during most of World War II (the first one).
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
The German airforce.
Government officials make all basic economic decisions (two words).
Command Economy
This fascist dictator used black shirts, smashed presses, violently removed elected officials, rigged elections, sent protestors to labor camps, and pushed women out of paying jobs.
Benito Mussolini
The U.S. declared neutrality at the beginning of the war. However, eventually Congress passed this law allowing the U.S. to sell or lend war goods to the Allies.
Lend-Lease Act
Issued by the U.S. at the beginning of WWII, it forbade the sale of arms to any nation at war, outlawed loans to warring powers, and prohibited Americans from traveling on ships of warring powers.
Neutrality Acts
The U.S., Britain, France, China, and the Soviet Union/Russia are members of this special group of the United Nations.
The Security Council
At this meeting, British and French leaders chose appeasement and allowed Hitler to annex Sedetenland of Czechoslovakia. In exchange, Hitler promised he had no further plans to expand his territory.
Munich Conference