Active test proctoring requires teachers to do this while students are testing.
What is walking around the room to monitor student progress and ensure test security?
The teacher notices a question that was really tricky, so they took a picture of it later to review.
Epic Fail
These three student groups may qualify for testing accommodations.
Ell, IEP, and 504 students.
This is the website where teachers can access RISE testing materials and information.
Testing is done! Wahoo! This is where I put all the secure testing materials.
Burn box or shredder.
These are the items that students can have during their test on their desks.
Blank, graph, or scratch paper; pencils; headphones; Chromebooks; testing tickets; blank privacy folders
A proctor walks around the room to ensure students are in the correct test and following procedures, and talking to students if needed for procedural tasks.
A student who started school is the U.S. after April 15th does not have to take this part of the test.
A student pauses their test. This is the maximum time they can remain inactive before the system logs them out.
What is 20 minutes.
T or F: I can give my students a treat or snack during testing.
True, if offered to all students, is not distracting, and will not harm the testing devices.
This is what you can do with your opt-out students.
- They stay with the rest of the class. They cannot be placed in an alternative location.
-They are given a similar activity that they can work on while the other students are taking RISE. (They are not allowed to use a device while the rest of the students are taking RISE.)
A teacher pulls a student, who is on day 5 of ELA testing, out into the hallway and reminds them to finish up their test.
Ethical. As long as you are not giving answers or telling them during an open test.
This accommodation is available to ALL students except for the reading passage part of the ELA test.
What is text-to-speech
This is what I do if there is an error on a student's test.
-Have roaming proctor support students while you "chat" with RISE Help Desk.
-Contact Sam
-Record the Test Session ID, time, SSID, take a picture of the error msg, and call Help Desk later.
T or F: I can break up the test and have students do just 10 questions at a time.
False. You must follow what the TAM's says and not add any wording or procedures.
This is what an appropriate testing environment looks like.
Walls covered of material that could guide a student in answering a question.
Remove clutter and store backpacks, jackets, and other personal items away from the test area.
Internet capable devices are placed out of reach of the students.
No reference sheets, devices, calculators, rulers, or other materials in a student's desk.
The teacher notices a student struggling and rewords a test question to help.
Epic Fail
T or F: A student with an IEP/504 can have accommodations such as fidget toys, help sheets, or calculator, if written into their IEP/504 plan.
False. This would invalidate the test.
The secure test browser is NOT on the Chromebook. This is how I fix it.
T or F: I can reward or do a party for my students for their growth or proficiency on RISE.
FALSE: Because not all students could have the opportunity. But you can give prizes or parties for behavior, attendance, or strategies used.
**math and science scores can be used to increase a grade
This is WHAT I need to keep secure during the testing window (include what this looks like).
Test tickets, scratch paper, and TAMs; in the vault in the office
The hall is so noisy and so is the class next door. This teacher decides to put on soft music for her students to listen to during the test.
*white noise may be used during extenuating circumstances*
T or F: A student with a diabetic monitor on their phone can have it out on their desk during testing.
True. With a clear plan of informing teacher before accessing phone.
These are the troubleshooting steps to take if a question's features/tools aren't working correctly.
- Make sure screen brightness is turned up
-Have student pause and reopen test.
-Have student try a different Chromebook
-Message Sam on TEAMS
-Contact RISE Help Desk
This is what a student can do when they finish the test before everyone else.
As long as it does not require a device or distracts other students, anything.