Oops! I Forgot About
Experts in the Field
Control Measure This!
Permits! Permits! Permits!

...Lifting from the knees. Now it's been 10 years in the industry, and I have constant back pain.

What is Manual Handling?


Someone who makes sure stunts are done properly, up to code, and sometimes performs them themselves.

What is a stunt coordinator?


A member of the public harasses you because you took their picture accidentally, you could have done this.

What is,

Keeping a low profile

Getting consent prior to shoot

Shooting in a non-busy area


It takes that long to apply for a permit!

What is 3-5 days


Watching my fingers and toes when securing the Camera on the tripod. I just broke my finger!

What is Camera Operations?

This person facilitates scenes of intimacy between actors, ensuring they are consenting to the scripted action and not crossing any boundaries.

What is an intimacy coordinator?


A crew member hit their head reaching for  batteries charging under a table.

What is Checking for Obstructions prior to equipment placement


When you don't need a permit, but you still need a piece of paper saying you don't.

Notice of No Objection


Having a FILMING IN PROGRESS SIGN at the park we're shooting at. A person thought they saw one of my actors stealing a wallet for real, and now they've arrested them!

What is Public Participation?

Someone who holds a bucket of sand when it's time to blow out a candle.

What is a fire marshal?


Your crew member is late because they had no idea how to get to set, instructions could have been put on this kind of document.

What is a Call Sheet


The place you call, email 100x a day for an answer, already!

What is a Film Office

How important it is to take breaks during filming every 5 hours of a 10 hour shoot.

What is Fatigue/Working Hours


When you need to close off part of a street due to filming - or have weapons or scenes about a crime occurring in a public space. It comes when applying for a special kind of permit.

What is a Police Presence?


You cut your finger on set and need to be rushed to this nearest location, listed on you call sheet.

What is an A&E?


This is all that can happen without having a permit

What is

- police harassment

- public involvement

- banned from public spaces

- fines

- shoot is wrapped :(


...where the fire escape was. Now I'm on fire. I should have remembered where to go in case there is a fire.

What is a Rallying Point


Someone who ensures that child actors are safe on set.

What is a licensed Chaperone?


Your crew member has cut themselves on a glass prop, which could have been prevented by following the following protocols.

What is:

  • Use sugar glass instead of real glass when used as a prop and if you want to smash it.

  • Where real glass is required, ensure this is protected, handled and stored safely. 

  • Where glass poses a ‘walk through’ hazard, ensure this is highlighted and not an obstruction.  

  • Ensure any breakages are disposed of properly. 


These are the rules when you don't need a permit in Westminster.

What is

Crew less than 5

No Tripod

No lighting EQ