History Happens
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Animal Kindgom
Food Frenzy

This wall symbolizing the divide between East and West fell in 1989.

 What is the Berlin Wall?


This superhero is known for saying, "With great power comes great responsibility."

Who is Spider-Man?


What has hands but can’t clap?

What is a clock?


This large land mammal has the longest pregnancy, lasting nearly two years.

What is an elephant?


This Italian dish consists of flat noodles often layered with meat, cheese, and sauce.

What is lasagna?


This ancient wonder was located in Egypt and was the tallest man-made structure for nearly 4,000 years.

What is the Great Pyramid of Giza?


This TV show, which premiered in 2005, follows a group of doctors at Seattle Grace Hospital.

What is Grey’s Anatomy?


A rooster lays an egg on top of a slanted roof. Which way does the egg roll?

What is neither way? (Roosters don’t lay eggs!)


This African mammal can sprint at speeds over 60 mph, making it the fastest land animal.

What is a cheetah?


This fruit has its seeds on the outside, unlike most other fruits.

What is a strawberry?


The Treaty of Versailles officially ended this war in 1919.

What is World War I?


This actor holds the record for playing the same superhero the longest in live-action films.

Who is Hugh Jackman (as Wolverine in the X-Men films)?


The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

What are footsteps?


This marine animal sleeps with one eye open to stay alert for predators.

What is a dolphin?


Despite its name, this nut is not actually a nut but a seed.

What is a cashew?


This ancient city, buried by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD, remained undiscovered for centuries.

What is Pompeii?


This luxury brand collaborated with Supreme in 2017, creating one of the most hyped streetwear drops in history.

What is Louis Vuitton?


I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can't leave. What am I?

What is a keyboard?


This animal has the highest blood pressure of any living creature.

What is a giraffe? (It needs high blood pressure to pump blood up its long neck!)


The holes in Swiss cheese are created by this gas during fermentation.

What is carbon dioxide?


This revolution in 1917 led to the rise of communism in Russia.

What is the Russian Revolution?


This Game of Thrones character holds the record for the most on-screen kills in the series.

Who is Arya Stark?


What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

What is the letter "M"?


The closest living relative to the Tyrannosaurus rex isn’t a reptile but this modern-day animal.

What is a chicken? (Birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs!)


This common kitchen spice was once so valuable that it was used as currency in the Middle Ages.

What is black pepper?