How many compressions and breaths are in one round of CPR?
30 compressions and 2 breaths
What is the first thing you should do before helping with any blood injury?
Put on gloves (PPE)
What should you do if a broken bone protrudes through the skin or the injured body part is bent, crooked, or looks deformed?
Call 911 (further medical care)
True or False: During a power outage users can get their belongings before exiting the facility?
No matter the injury, wellrec staff is required to tell the user what?
To seek further medical care
Name 4 signs and symptoms of a sudden illness.
Trouble breathing.
Pain, such as chest pain, abdominal pain, or a headache.
Changes in level of responsiveness, such as being confused or unaware of one’s surroundings or becoming unresponsive.
Extreme fatigue.
Light-headedness or dizziness.
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or stomach cramps.
A fever.
Pale, ashen (gray), or very flushed skin, which may be excessively sweaty or dry, or excessively hot or cold.
Problems seeing or speaking (e.g., blurred vision or slurred speech).
Numbness, weakness or paralysis.
Life-threatening bleeding
Anything (towel, gloves, etc.) that comes in contact with blood should be placed in what?
Biohazard bag
How long should ice be applied to a bone, muscle, and joint injury?
20 minutes on, 20 minutes off
What is a rally point and list all of the rally points?
Rally points are locations that users should go to during an evacuation. Miller, Talley, Alexander/Turlington, Tennis courts
Epinephrine is a drug that slows or stops the effects of …?
Name all of the AED locations.
All elevators, FTC, HQ, EQ, Aquatics entrance, lifeguard office, method
Name all of the blood spill kit locations.
Miller, method, court 3, court 9, 3600, HQ, Aquatics
True or False: You should split a bone injury ONLY if you have to move an individual to get further medical care.
All evacuations should be completed in how many minutes?
5 or less minutes
What are the 4 C’s for any emergency situation?
Check, Call, Care, Complete
What should you do if someone is having a seizure?
Let the seizure run its course
Remove nearby furniture or anything that could add to the situation
When the seizure is over check for responsiveness
Check head to toe looking for injuries
Stay with the person until they have fully recovered
If there is a large amount of blood or the blood spill is on the carpeting, the number to call is?
Contact University Housekeeping or Emergency Housekeeping (919-515.2991 or 919.515.3000 after hours)
A complete break, chip, or bone crack is considered a ___?
During a power outage, what radio channel do we utilize?
Channel 4
If the person requests your help using an inhaler, how can you assist them?
Shake the inhaler, remove the mouthpiece, give them the inhaler, and advise them to use it as directed by their health care provider.
On an adult, where should the AED pads be located on their body?
Upper right chest, lower left chest
If you come into direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids what are your next steps?
Let your supervisor know and immediately go to the Student Health Center (or another medical center)
What does RICE stand for?
Rest, Immobilization, Cold, Elevate
Who gives the all-clear that staff and users can go back into the facility after a fire evacuation?
Fire Marshal
What should be said over the radio if someone is experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency in the facility?
Code Red