Why do we make music?
what is... because we are a music fraternity
because we are modeled after Ancient Greek secret societies
What is the term used for MITs during this ceremony?
what is... Page 5
How many roles are in initiation
What is... 16
Who is the current National President
Who is... Jessica Chichester
Which founder was a professor at the Pennsylvania Normal College in Indiana, PA
who is... Leila Farlin Laughlin
What is our motto and what does it translate to?
what is... Vita Brevis, Ars Longa
Life is Short, But Art Is Long
What song is played and then later sung during this ceremony
what is... another secret!
Name an item used for this ceremony
what is... a secret!
What is Rebecca Sepulveda's position on the National Executive Board
what is... National Vice President, Ritual and Fraternity Education
Name all seven founders of Sigma Alpha Iota
who are... Minnie Davis Sherrill, Elizabeth Campbell, Leila Farlin Laughlin, Nora Crane Hunt, Georgina Potts, Frances Caspari, Mary Storrs Andersen
Name a ceremony that is not usually performed every semester
Recite a line from this ceremony
what is... secret
Name all of the songs sung during this ceremony
what is... secret
Chairman, Board of Directors, SAI Philanthropies, Inc.
Who is... Tracey Wygal Withrow
How many of our founders were voice majors?
what is... 5
Where is our badge worn and why
What is... Page 18
What is the duty of the Sergeant At Arms during this ceremony?
what is... page 5.7
What are the names for the roles of President, VPM, VPR, and SAA?
what is... Page 10
What is Jennifer Zerangue Mistretta's position on the National Executive board?
what is... National Vice President, Extension
Which founder spoke five total languages?
who is... Georgina Potts
What are the meanings behind the flowers on our coat of arms?
what is... super secret shhhhhh
What key signature is the secret song from this ceremony performed in? (bonus points for giving an ultra specific answer!)
what is... just as secret as everything else in this ceremony
What are the names of the roles that can be filled by anyone that is not the President, VPM, VPR, or SAA
what is... Page 10
Who is the current Executive Director
Who is... Christine Burns
Which founder was a centenarian
who is... Minnie Davis Sherrill