This symbol guards our constitution and ritual, reminding us of those truly fraternal values.
What is the Sword?
What is "fee-lay meh-lah chi-ray?"
What is "fraternity and love"?
" _____ / Peace to this our meeting"
What is "join in entreating"?
This symbol is the emblem of that highest virtue which our fraternity bids us keep closest to our heart.
What is the lamp?
Our motto, in English.
What is "charity vaunteth not itself"?
According to the pledge, what you must abide by, now and forever.
What are "the regulations of the society"?
The end of the first stanza, after "this space of sweet communion".
What is "Alpha, we give to thee"?
The Rule teaches us to guide our own lives according to rule and line with ______ and ______ .
What is self control and sweetness?
Our chapter sub-motto.
What is "Respect Diversity"?
"...For all who now are, or may ever be in time to come, _____ ."
What are "sworn members of this fraternity"?
"...Let no intrusion / _____ "
What is "of the day's confusion"?
The fraternal values that the Sword reminds us of are _____ and _____ .
What is silence and circumspection?
What our password translates to in English.
What is "friend rejoice greatly"?
What you must never do to the society, at any time, under any circumstances whatsoever.
What is "break my bond with it and divulge its secrets"?
The stanza that begins with "Ere our disbanding / In thy shelter standing".
What is the third stanza?
The seven cardinal virtues typified by the Ladder.
What is prudence, humility, chastity, obedience, faith, hope, and charity?
In Greek, our motto sounds like this.
What is "agape oo pair pari oo e tie"?
"... To _____, now and forever."
What is "abide by all the regulations of the society?"
"One light for guiding / One thought abiding / _____ ."
What is "Thy name sweet charity"?