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If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesopotamia
You down with IRV?!
The Great Stone Dragon
Where in the World

This river flooded so predictably that the ancient Egyptians built their entire calendar around it.

What is the Nile River?


These two rivers where responsible for all Mesopotamian prosperity.

What are this Tigris and Euphrates?


These three things acted as natural defenses for the IRV.

What are Mountains, Desserts, and the Ocean


Ancient China will build with this material instead of stone like the other civilizations.

What is Wood?


This water way is connected to the Huang He via the Grand Canal.

What is the Yangtze?


This person ruled as God-King over the entirety of the Egyptian society.

Who is the Pharaoh?


He was a great king of Uruk and wrote his story for all in the future to take heed of.

Who is Gilgamesh?


This type of storm will lead to annual flooding in the IRV?

What is a Monsoon?


You go to the shrine in your family's home in order to ask for guidance from your ancestors. This is an example of what?

What is Ancestor Worship?


This modern day nation is home to the Indus River Valley civilization.

What is Pakistan.


The discovery of this allowed us to translate ancient Egyptian.

What is the Rosetta Stone.


This was the city center and acted as a temple.

What is a Ziggurat?


This God is said to be the unified point from which all other gods originate.

Who is Brahman?


This ruler sat near the top but was not as powerful as the Emperor.

Who was the King/Governor.


To the north of this body of water, is Mesopotamia.

What is the Persian Gulf.


This type of writing has symbols for sounds as well as whole words.

What is Hieroglyphics?


This led to uncertainty and anxiety in the City-States.

What is a lack of natural Barriers?


Helping your classmates stack chairs at the end of the day will bring you this in the Hindu religion.

What is Good Karma?


This ethical system called for a return to nature and allowing natural law to dictate our lives.

What is Daoism.


This Sea is home to Corsica, Sicily, and Cyprus.

What is the Mediterranean Sea? 


If one finds themselves in the south of the Egyptian kingdom, which "Egypt" are they standing in?

What is Upper Egypt?


Hammurabi's Code emphasized this idea when it came to punishment's.

What is an "eye for an eye."


This word also means enlightenment and describes the spirit becoming free from human form.

What is Moksha, Nirvana.


This ethical system will eventually give birth to the ideas of extreme fascism. Highlighting the necessary control of the government. Even over one's own thoughts.

What is Legalism?


This land mass is located between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf

What is the Arabian Peninsula?