Coping Skills
Life/Recovery Values
Recovery and 12-Step Phrases
Recovery Pop Culture

This cognitive skill, usually developed through meditation, involves sustaining awareness of the contents of one's own mind in the present moment.

What is mindfulness?


This value means taking responsibility for your mistakes or actions.

What is accountability?


This phrase involves taking it slow, focusing on what is in front of you, and taking not looking too far into the future.

What is One Day at a Time?


This emotion is an intense feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

What is Anger?


This Bostonian actor who wrote, directed, and starred in Good Will Hunting went to rehab for the first time in 2001.

Who is Ben Affleck?


This category of coping skill involves paying attention to and controlling your respiration.

What are breathing exercises?


This value means seeing something through despite roadblocks or setbacks.

What is commitment? 


This phrase can help you appreciate small improvements instead of focusing on failures.

What is Progress, not Perfection?


This emotion involves a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction from one's own achievements.

What is Pride?


This A-List actor struggled with a heroin and crack cocaine addiction before starring as Tony Stark.

Who is Robert Downey, Jr.?


This coping skill involves picturing a calm and safe place in your mind to help you remain calm.

What is visualization/coping imagery?


Find out what this value means to me: This value means having regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others. 

What is respect?


This phrase can help find the wisdom to know what you can and can't change.

What is the Serenity Prayer?


This emotion is positive and pleasant, ranging from contentment to intense joy.

What is Happiness?


This British pop star famous for his song "Tiny Dancer" spent most of the 80s absorbed in alcohol and cocaine use before seeking treatment in 1990.

Who is Elton John?


This coping skill can often help you see the future negative consequences of giving in to your cravings.

What is playing the tape forward?


This value involves the action of helping or doing work for others; an act of helpful activity, help, or aid.

What is service?


This phrase can help you to remember that struggles or difficult moments don't last forever.

What is This Too Shall Pass?


This emotion means to experience mental or emotional strain, often from work or expectations from others, and left untreated can cause headaches and nausea.

What is stress?


This young acting wizard struggled with drinking on the set of his magical movie franchise.

Who is Daniel Radcliffe?


This coping skill involves sitting with and accepting an urge or craving without acting on it, and allowing yourself ride the wave until it eventually passes.

What is Urge Surfing?


This value means treating everyone fairly, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexuality, or gender.

What is equality?


This phrase highlights how helpful it can be to grateful for the things in your life.

What is An Attitude of Gratitude?


This emotion means someone is very enthusiastic about or eager for something.

What is Excited?


This musical artist can't feel his face in one of his songs about a cocaine addiction.

Who is The Weeknd?