River Terms
River Processes
River Landforms
River Speed
River Sediments

Streams feed into larger streams

What is a Tributary?


It affects the amount of friction that the river has to overcome  and hence the river's velocity.

What is the shape of the channel's cross section? 


This another name for the final stage of a river.

What is the lower course of the river?


The action of deposition comes when the river speed is ______ that cuts off the neck of the meander and results in this landform.

What is a slow and ox bow lakes?


These sediments are deposited first and these are deposited last throughout the various stages of the river.

What are larger and smaller sediments? 


The area drained by the river and its tributary

What is the drainage basin?


The rapid formation and implosion of air bubbles within the joints and fractures of the rocks.

What is the Cavitation?


Sections of the river where the water flows quickly and turbulently over a shallow region of the river, leaving rocks as steep outcrops in the upper stage of the river. 

What is a rapid?


The drop of elevation of a river is known as this. 

What is the gradient of the river?


On the floodplain of the river finer sediments are deposited at this section and larger particles are deposited at this section.

What is away from the banks and nearer the river channel?


River patterns flowing from a central high point to a flattened area.

What is radial drainage patterns?


These interferes with the river's flow and thus reduces velocity.

What is the presence of resistance in the form of boulders or unevenness in the river's bed?  


What is a waterfall?


These two main factors affect the speed of the river.

What is the slope gradient and the roughness of the channel?


On the levees repeated flooding causes this to happen to happen to the sediments. 

What is the coarser alluvium accumulating at the river banks?


The volume of water that passes in a river channel at a certain point in a given time.

What is the river's discharge?


The variation in the river's discharge overtime  can be seen on this type of diagram.

What is a hydrograph? 


Swirling action of material in the river's bed carves hollow depressions.

What is a pothole? 


The rivers speed is maximum where these factors are ____________ and minimum where these factors are_________.

What is high energy and high gradient and no energy and lowest gradient?


The accumulated sediments on the delta rise up above water level separating the main channel into these.

What are smaller distributaries?


The river's flow is controlled by two things. These are

What is mean velocity and cross sectional area?


Water soluble minerals in the rocks react chemically with the river water and dissolve. 

What is corrosion? 


Bends in the river at the middle stage are punctuated by these landforms on the concave and convex banks of the river.

What are river cliffs and slip off slopes?


Erosion and speed have a direct relationship means that. 

What is as speed increases erosion increases as well?