"EBT" stands for...
Earnings Before Taxes
Average Daily Census for 2024 was
96.4 (Within 3 will be given points)
Love One Another
This IDT member is most famously quoted for saying the following: "Denied"
Amber Longoria
Is it a Texas regulation that you must have a nurse in the dining room while serving food?
EBITDAR stands for
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization, and Rent
According to the state operations manual, a facility must ensure that the resident is free from ______ or _______ restraints
Physical or Chemical
True or false - The parking lot up front where the smoking tent was not built until 2 years after the construction of the building and other parking lots.
An 873 page regulations manual from CMS
Appendix PP
Assuming December's projection is accurate, Riverside will be ahead of 2023's performance by (about) this amount
A. $452,000
B. $535,000
C. $793,000
D. $834,000
The oldest patient currently residing at Riverside
A. O. Galvez
B. C. Meyette
C. J. Wingard
D. L Jallu
C. J Wingard
True or false, there used to be a fireplace outside of the now DON office.
Both of these team members have twin children.
Janie and Rachel
SUD stands for
Substance Use Disorder
Revenue - Expenses =
Net Income (Or profit)
This patient is 54 years old, wearning a tye-die shirt in their PCC picture, BIMS of 15, wears glasses, and smokes cigarettes.
Troy Kent
The first three words from the magnificent video of Green and Clean
My little son
Finish this quote. "Bite your tongue. Re-affirm your purpose."
Raise boys, not grass.
According to Texas Regulations, the maximum distance that a resident room can be from a nurse station is...
A. 125 ft
B. 150 ft
C. 200 ft
D. 250 ft
125 ft
In the 12 months leading up to it's acquistion by Ensign, Riverside lost this much money.
A. $193,538
B. $366,056
C. $483,398
D. $792,917
According to PCC (MDS), this patient has resided at Riverside the longest (admit date 2/22/2011)
This is our mission statement
Through moments of truth, we will dignify long-term care in the eyes of the world. (Must have moments of truth AND dignifying long-term care in the eyes of the world. Order does not matter)
This IDT member coined the phrase "Nothing for the group"
Corridors must be equipped with handrails that are how far from the floor?
A. 30-36 inches
B. 24-48 inches
C. 34-36 inches
D. 33-36 inches
33-36 inches