This is the surface used for drawings.
What is paper?
This is another word for color.
What is hue?
A point moving through space.
What is line?
This tool is used for drawing and sketching.
What is a pencil?
This is the term used to describe how a work of art feels or looks like it feels.
What is texture?
When you mix red and white together you get this...
What is pink? Or a tint of red.
This type of paint is used by adding water. It is the most transparent paint.
What is watercolor?
Red, yellow, and blue make up this color family.
What is primary?
An an area that has height and width.
What is a shape?
This tool is used for mixing paint.
What is a palette knife?
The area of artwork that appears farthest away from the viewer; also, the area against which a figure or scene is placed.
What is background?
When you mix black and white together, you get this...
What is gray?
This type of paint is made from egg whites and pigment. It is washable.
What is tempera paint?
Orange, green, and violet make up this color family.
What is secondary?
Clouds, trees, blobs, leaves are this type of shape.
What is an organic shape?
This tool is used for cutting, but it is not scissors or a paper cutter.
What is an X-acto knife?
A drawing technique that creates the illusion of three-dimensionality on a flat surface. It uses a single vanishing point on the horizon line to make objects appear to get smaller as they recede.
What is 1 point perspective?
When you mix red and yellow together, you get this...
What is orange?
This type of paint dries quickly, is made of plastics, and sticks to most surfaces. It stains clothing.
What is acrylic?
Red, orange, and yellow make up this color family.
What are warm colors?
The lightness or darkness of an object.
What is value?
This tool is used to hold paint.
What is a palette?
The art of making things out of clay.
What is ceramics?
When you mix yellow and blue together, you get this...
What is green?
This material is colored chalk.
What is chalk pastel?
Green, blue, and violet make up this color family.
What are cool colors?
Cones, spheres, prisms, cubes are all 3D shapes meaning they have height, width, and depth. What do we call them in art?
What is a form or a geometric form?
This tool is used to draw perfect circles.
What is a compass?
Derived from the French verb coller, meaning "to glue" and refers to both the technique and resulting work of art in which fragments of paper and other materials are arranged and glued to a supporting surface.
What is collage?
When you mix blue and red together, you get this...
What is violet?
This material is a stick made of oil and pigment.
What is an oil pastel?
Colors in this family sit opposite each other on the color wheel and intensify each other when placed next to one another.
What is complementary?
When something is balanced but is not identical over either the horizonal or vertical line of symmetry.
What is asymmetrical balance?
A closely woven sturdy cloth of cotton, linen or hemp frequently stretched over a frame and used as a surface for painting.
What is a canvas?
The area of an image- usually a photograph, drawing, or painting- that appears closest to the viewer.
What is foreground?
When you mix green, yellow and black together, you get this...
What is a shade of yellow-green?
This sculpture material is a white powder embedded in gauze cloth. You add water to it and it dries hard.
What are plaster strips?
Colors in this family sit directly next to each other on the color wheel. 3-5 of these colors creates a color scheme that many people find harmonious.
What is analogous?
The way something looks like it feels.
What is implied texture?
This tool is used by artists in their studios to hold up paintings while they paint.
What is an easel?
A line in works of art that usually shows where land or water converges with the sky.
What is horizon line?
When you mix orange, red, and white together, you get this...
What is a tint of red-orange?
This art material is similar to Elmer's glue in color and thickness and used often in collage and as a protective topcoat.
What is Mod Podge?
The term for adding white to a color.
What is tint?
The area occupied by an object.
What is positive space?
This tool is a necessity for every artist and used daily for brainstorming and practicing drawing skills.
What is a sketchbook?
A type of symmetry in which things on the left and right are the same as well as the top and bottom.
What is radial symmetry?
When you green and blue and gray together you get this...
What is a toned blue-green?
This sculpture material is silver colored and can be bent in all directions.
What is wire?
The term for adding black to a color.
What is shade?
When something stands out in an art piece because it is different in some way. A juxtaposition of visual elements.
What is contrast?
This tool is used for blending and shading of pencil.
What is a tortillon or blending stick/stump?
A technique involving the use of two or more artistic media, such as ink and pastel or collage and painting, that are combined in a single work of art.
What is mixed media?
When you mix two complementary colors together, you get a color in this family...
What is a neutral?
This type of paint takes a very long time to dry and and is very thick. Many famous paintings are made from this type of paint. We do not use this in MS Art but you will in HS.
What is oil paint?
When you mix a primary and a secondary color you get this.
What is tertiary?
A technique that draws the viewer's attention to a specific part of a work of art.
What is emphasis?
This tool is used for kumihimo or jellyfish weaving.
What is a muradai?
Type of art that has height, width, and depth.
What is 3D art?
When you mix two complementary colors together what happens to each color?
What is it becomes less intense or more dull?