Age of Exploration/Colonial Americana

Hobbes and Locke are apart of what era in history that comes after the Renaissance.

What was the Enlightenment?


Working the crops, cooking and cleaning, grinding grains, and other labor involved tasks.

What the peasants provided for the king's and knight's in EXCHANGE for PROTECTION?


Named for the ship that brought pilgrims to New England, this important document was created to be a set of rules(laws) agreed to be followed for the public good.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


When a citizen stays informed on issues, votes, and registers for the draft.

What is an example of performing a CIVIC VIRTUE?


This colonial region is known for shipbuilding, fishing, small independent farms, short growing season with poor soil.

What were the New England Colonies?


These people were in the bottom of the Feudalism Pyramid of Power, and gave food and labor in exchange for the king’s and knight’s protection.

Who were the peasants?


 The "other name" for this ERA (Middles Ages) that follows the fall of the Roman Empire. Feudalism is the governing structure.

What are the DARK AGES?


The MAIN PURPOSE of government, an individual's right being protected, is evident when reading this vital document.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


British colonies were ignored forcing them to govern themselves until their Mother Country needed to pay off war debts, so they Britian started taxing them for more money.

What was the treatment, referred to as "benign neglect", Britian displayed of their colonies while fighting wars closer to home?


This colonial region had long growing seasons, agriculture main economic source, not many cities, grew tobacco and cotton on plantations.

What were the Southern Colonies?


This Italian born explorer sailed to , what is now known as Canada, for England in 1497.

Who was John Cabot?


The ERA that comes in between the DARK AGES and the ENLIGHTENMENT.

What is the Renaissance?


The principle of the government based on the RULE OF LAW in the U.S. Constitution is found in this "FOUNDING DOCUMENT".

What is the MAGNA CARTA?


American colonists were used to being left alone or ignored and to govern themselves.

Why did the American colonists start to be unhappy with the British control in the mid-18th century?


This colony was a part of the MIDDLE Colonial Region, had harbors, traded mostly grains, had Quakers (like Susan B. Anthony), and Benjamin Franklin lived here.

What was the Pennsylvania Colony?


Sadly, slaves were the main focus of this system that transported them from Africa to American and West Indies to do intense labor(work) on plantations.

What was the Triangular Trade?


Explorations of the--- Vikings (986), the Spanish (1492), the English (1497), the Portuguese (1500), the French (1524), the English (1577), ENGLISH COLONIZATION (1607), more English exploration (1609).

What is the Age of Exploration: European Colonization Timeline?


Document guaranteeing the king has limited power and gives nobles some rights.

What is the Magna Carta?


The example of the Senate enforcing the right of approving or rejecting a treaty presented by the president.

What is the concept of CHECKS AND BALANCES?


Colonies in the "NEW WORLD" (America) were an amazing NEW source of raw materials and money (wealth) for "Mother Country" (countries in Europe).

Why did countries in Europe want to send people to live in the NEW WORLD (America)?


The lengthy journal (a primary source) of this famous explorer of Florida, was used to document dates of many historical voyages during the Age of Exploration.

Who was Ponce De Leon?


After a student reads a timeline on European explorations, they do these calculations: the Vikings in year 986 minus the English Colonization year of 1607, equals 639.

How many years passed between the Vikings Explorations and the English colonizing in the New World?


This document states the RIGHT one has, in that Parliament must consent (agree to) holding court with judges for anyone accused of a crime.  

What is the English Bill of Rights?


Another name for the Legislative (lawmaking) of the U.S. Government.

What is Congress?


This colony was a part of the SOUTHERN COLONIES, it had rich soil for growing rice, cotton, tobacco, was home to both George Washinton and Thomas Jefferson, and Jamestown was located here.

What was the Virginia Colony?