What does Juliet threaten to do if she has to marry Paris?
Stab herself with a dagger
How does Juliet act when she gets back from confession?
Apologetic and eager to marry Paris
Who goes to wake Juliet up in the morning?
The Nurse
Where does scene 1 take place?
Why does Paris fight Romeo?
Romeo is banished and shouldn't be in Verona and Paris thinks he has come to desecrate the Capulet graves
What does Friar Laurence offer Juliet?
A sleeping potion
What does Capulet decide when he sees that Juliet is now willing to marry Paris?
To move the wedding up a day
List everyone who finds out that Juliet is dead in this scene.
2. Lady Capulet
3. Capulet
4. Paris
Who does Romeo buy poison from?
A poor apothecary
What does Paris claim he will do every night?
Water flowers by her grave or bring new flowers and weep
Name 3 elements of Friar Laurence's plan
1.Juliet fakes her death
2.Friar Laurence sends letter to Romeo
3. Romeo and Friar Laurence wait for Juliet to wake up
4. Romeo whisks Juliet off to Mantua
What type of irony is present in scene 4?
Dramatic irony
What advice does the Friar give to the Capulet's in regards to the now dead Juliet?
Be glad she died young and innocent/pure
Who was supposed to deliver the letter to Romeo?
Friar John
What do Capulet and Montague promise to do?
Erect gold statues of Romeo and Juliet
What immediate action will Friar Laurence take?
Send a letter to Romeo telling him the plan
What does Juliet place on her pillow before she drinks the potion?
A dagger
What plant does the Friar suggest be reused for the funeral?
Rosemary - can represent love or mourning
Who brings Romeo news of Juliet's death?
Balthasar, his servant
Why does Juliet kiss the dead Romeo?
She hopes there is still some poison on his lips.
When talking to Paris, how does Juliet act?
Sassy/Rude. She's not interested in his flirting
Name 3 of Juliet's fears revealed in her soliloquy during scene 3.
1. The potion wont work
2. The potion is actually a poison
3. She will suffocate alone in the tomb
4. She will be stuck alone in the dark
5. She will wake alone, go mad, and bash her brains out
What literary term does Capulet use when describing death?
Personification - Death is my son-in-law
What prevented the letter from being delivered to Romeo?
The messenger was forced to quarantine due to the plague
What 4 deaths are revealed in this scene and how did they happen?
1. Paris was stabbed by Romeo
2. Romeo drank poison
3. Juliet stabbed herself with Romeo's dagger
4. Lady Montague died from grief over Romeo's banishment