The 12 Steps
AA/NA Trivia
Recovery Cliches
Relapse Prevention
Famous Junkies

Name That Step!

"We admitted we were powerless over Alcohol/Drugs, that our lives had become unmanageable..."

Step One


Name either of the two individuals who are considered to be the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous..

(Hint: Both of their names start with the letter 'B')

Bill Wilson and/or Dr. Bob Smith


Fill in the blank: 

"Keep _____ Back!" 

Keep Coming Back!

THESE make someone feel like using, or cause someone to react in a negative way.


This R&B diva who was famous for ballads such as, "I Will Always Love You," tragically passed away from drowning in her bathtub. 

(Hint: She was married to Bobby Brown). 

Whitney Houston 


Fill in the blank: 

"We made a searching and fearless moral ____ of ourselves." 



Although the title of the book is, "Alcoholics Anonymous," what is the commonly used nickname of the book that AA members use?

The Big Book


Fill in the Blank from the "Serenity Prayer:"

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the ____ to change the things I can.."

The Courage to change the things I can


THESE help someone extinguish/neutralize the negative way that we may feel when we are triggered

Coping skills / Coping tools / Coping Mechanisms


This iconic musician known as the "King of Pop" couldn't tell his addiction to prescription medication to "Beat It," so sadly, it ended up beating him. 

Michael Jackson

Name that Step!

"We made a fearless and moral ____ of ourselves." 

Step 4


Although the title of the book is, "Narcotics Anonymous," what is the commonly used nickname of the book that NA members use?

The Basic Text


Fill in the blank:
Commonly cited triggers are People, ____ & Things

People Places & Things


True or False: 

Relapse is an immediate event that happens in a blink of an eye.


Relapse is a progressive process that takes place along the way of many small choices we make when we become lazy/complacent about our recovery.
(Example: Blowing off meetings, Neglecting self-care, and generally not checking our own poor behavior). 


This legendary flamboyant singer in recovery is famous for such hits as "Crocodile Rock" and "Tiny Dancer."

Elton John


Fill in the blanks: 

"We admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another ___ ____ the exact nature of our wrongs."

Human Being

In which city or state was the first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting held? 

Akron, Ohio (1935). 


From Narcotics Anonymous, fill in the blank:
-"Just for ____," is not only the title of a book full of daily readings, it's also the name of a prayer that meetings are occasionally ended with." 

Just for Today


This activity focuses on prioritizing our own well-being, and should be exercised on a regular basis. 



Hi! My name is...
A legendary rapper that just celebrated 12 years of sobriety; Even though you can "Lose Yourself" to addiction, he was "Not Afraid" to face it head on...

Eminem / Marshal Mathers


Name that Step!
"We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."

Step Two

In which city or region did Jimmy K. found Narcotics Anonymous in 1953? 

San Fernando Valley / Los Angeles County 


Fill in the blank from Narcotics Anonymous:

"Three indispensable spiritual principles are Honesty, _____, and Willingness.."

Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Willingness


True or False:
Seeking support/asking for help from our peers at times when we're struggling can save your life. 

So True


This famous actor of superhero films spent much of his early career under the influence before a stint in prison and state rehabilitation facilities helped him recover.
(Hint: I Am Iron Man) 

Robert Downey Jr.