1.1 East Asia
1.2 Dar al-Islam
1.3 South and Southeast Asia
1. 4 The Americas
1.5 Africa
1.6 Europe

Three Song Dynasty inventions

Gunpowder, Compass, Wood Block Printing (an early version of the printing press)


Fate of the Umayyad Caliphate following a revolt originating in Khorasan (modern-day Afghanistan), as well as the cause of said revolt.

Fled into exile to Cordoba/Andalus following the establishment of the Abbasid caliphate, which was created following discontent at the domination of Arabs in previous caliphates.


This group brought Islam to India and reigned from the 14th to the 16th century. This lead to some Hindus converting to Islam and others resenting Islam because a tax called the jizya was imposed on non-Muslim subjects. 

What is the Delhi Sultanate 


A society whose form of political organization could be referred to as an Exchange Network/Interaction Sphere. They were noted for building massive mounds as ceremonial town centers

What is Mississippian Society/Cohokia


Lucrative trade for Muslims through this route allowed for wealthy kingdoms like Mali and Songhai to flourish using the Gold for Salt trade. 

What is the Trans-Saharan trade route


Under the Feudal system, what characterized the quid-pro-quo relationship between rulers and vassals?

Rulers would give vassals land upon which they enjoyed seigneurial (manorial) rights in exchange for political support, military forces in times of need, and tax revenue (a slice of which the vassal kept)


The bureaucratic system utilized in China where official obtained their positions by demonstrating merit based on performance on this exam.

the Civil Service Exam

(also known as meritocracy)

bonus: this class of scholar bureaucrats was known as the  "Scholar Gentry Class"


The specific features of a Calip which distinguish them from just any other Islamic king/emperor.

Amir al-Mu'minin aka "Commander of the faithful"

De-jure spiritual and political leader of all Muslims, guardian of the two Holy Mosques.


This Budhist Kingdom straddled the straights of Malacca in SE Asia.  Name it and how did it make money

What is Srivijaya and tax the Indo-Chinese trade


This society was noted for linking science and religion through astronomy and had a city-state political structure. 

What are the Maya


African storytellers and historians who rely on a hereditary system of oral tradition. To see one die is to see a library burn. 

What are Griots


The Manorial system required peasants to work on projects to develop/economically exploit a vassal's land. This could be seen as a form of what forced labour system?

What is Corvee / Labour Tax


A fast ripening and drought resistant strain of rice from Vietnam that was spread to other parts of Asia because of Sinification 

What is Champa Rice


City built by the Abbasids that had an incredible library with knowledge from various cultures, leading it to become a major cultural center known as the House of Wisdom. Sacked by the Mongols in 1258.

What is Baghdad


A kingdom in southern India who exerted wide influence over the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia through its maritime power and control of trade.

 What is the Vijayanagar Empire/Chola Dynasty


Mayan and Aztec government style AND the religion practiced by both of these civilizations. ****

What is a theocracy and animism


Instead of a centralized government, many communities formed this type of smaller-scale self government 

What are Kin Based Networks and/or Stateless Societies


Describe a political difference between the Byzantine Empire (aka Eastern Roman Empire) and Western Europe

Decentralized in the west (feudalism), central in the east (bureaucratic state)


An efficient internal waterway transportation system that extended over 30,000 miles enabling China under the Song Dynasty to become one of the most prosperous and well connected trading areas in the world 

What is the Grand Canal 


Enslaved ethnic Turks from Central Asia who served as soldiers and later as bureaucrats. Seized power in Egypt and facilitated trade between Islamic world and Europe of cotton and sugar.  

Who are the Mamluks/Mamluk Sultanate

(Bonus: the Seljuks were basically the same thing but in Anatolia, aka modern day Turkey)


Name the two major examples of universalizing religions in South and Southeast Asia 

What is Islam, Buddhism, 

(technical ly Christians were there first, but in much smaller numbers)


System employed by the Aztecs to symbolize their dominance over surrounding areas. 

What is a tribute system


This African Kingdom practiced Christianity since the 7th century and was a rare Sub-Saharan case of Feudalism. 

What is Ethiopia 


Describe and economic difference between the Eastern Roman Empire and Western Europe

Manorial in the west, trade based in the east


A syncretic belief system that combines Confucianist rational thought with more abstract ideas of Daoism and Buddhism. 

What is Neo-Confucianism 


A type of Islamic religious practice which focuses on spiritual purity and establishing direct personal connections with Allah. Engaged in missionary activity, especially after the establishment of the Abbasids.

What is Sufism/Sufis


Name the broad divisions in the caste system of Hinduism as well as the different levels of hierarchy-in English and Sanskrit.

Jati: Narrow & specific

Varna: Broad

Priest, Brahmin

Warriors, Kishatrya

Merchants, Vaisha

Peasants, Shudra

Untouchables, Dalit


The society which is seen as establishing a Mesoamerican regional tradition, although some aspects of this tradition can be seen in parts of North America.

What are the Olmecs


A Kingdom relying heavily on trade with the the Swahili Coast which connected the Indian Ocean trade network and the East African interior.

What is Zimbabwe or Kilwa.


Name the major branches of Christianity practiced in Europe (and technically the Middle East too) during the middle ages and where each was practiced. When did they formally split?


Eastern Orthodox-East

Split in 1054