Main Idea and Details
Finding Evidence/ RACE Model
Making Inferences

What is main idea? 

What the story or text is mostly about (usually 1-2 sentences). 


Which detail does not support the main idea: vegetables are healthy?

1. Vegetables give your body the energy it needs. 

2. Cauliflower is white.

3. Eating green beans can help keep your bones healthy.

2- Cauliflower is white.


What is text evidence?

Pictures, words stated in the book, etc. 

What happened to Bluebird? How do you know? Use the RACE model.

Bluebird got hit by a stick and got very hurt. I know this because the pictures showed the mean boys throwing a stick and Bluebird fell to the ground. He was laying on the ground. I also know that when someone gets hurt they sometimes sit down or look upset.


What is one book that you read last year with your class?

Answers will be different! 


What is an inference?

It's when you combine evidence from the text with what you already know. An inference is never stated in a book. 

Evidence + Prior Knowledge = Inference 

Think back to the Endangered Gorilla's article. What is the main idea of the article?

Gorillas are losing their homes and becoming endangered, but humans are trying to help them survive. 


How can you find text evidence?

You can look at the pictures, emotions on character's faces, and read the words on the pages.


What was one feeling that Flora felt in the story? How do you know? Use the RACE model.

Flora felt sad that she fell. I know this because one of the pictures shows her curled up on the ground with a frown on her face. I also know that when I feel sad, I am not smiling and have a frown on my face.


What diagram do we use to find similarities and differences of characters and books?

Venn Diagram (compare and contrast) 


What are explicit details?

Details that are clearly stated in a text.


Think back to the PE article that we read. What was the main idea?

Kids are losing PE time and becoming less active. Schools are trying to help kids be active and move throughout the day. 

What is the RACE Model? What does each letter stand for?

The RACE Model is a writing strategy that helps kids answer questions. 

R (restate), A (answer), C (cite text evidence), E (explain your reasoning)


Why did the man back up slowly and carefully from the skunk? How do you know? Use the RACE model. 

He backed away slowly and carefully from the skunk because he was afraid that the skunk would spray him. I know that skunks spray when they get scared or feel threatened. 


List 5 of the books we've read together. 

The Magical Yet, Rules, The Skunk, Flora the Flamingo, and Bluebird. 


What does RI stand for?

Reading Informational 


What is the main idea of Flora and the Flamingo?

Flora learns to dance by watching the Flamingo. She falls down, but learns to get back up with the help of the Flamingo. 


Think back to ONE passage that we read together when we were practicing the RACE Model. What was the passage titled and what was the question?

Answers will be different! 


She was laying in the sun when a boy approached her and started to pet her. The boy stroked her soft fur and she purred back to him. Who is laying in the sun? Use the RACE model.

A cat is laying in the sun. I know this because the passage stated that the cat started to purr as they boy started to pet her.


What does RI. 1 and RL. 1 mean?

I can refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.


What does RL stand for?

Reading Literature 


What is the main idea of Bluebird?

The boy is lonely and becomes friends with a bird. The bird gets hurt and the boy meets other birds who take the bird to heal him. 


Why is it important to use the RACE Model when answering questions?

It is important to use the RACE Model when answering questions because it extends our responses and thinking while providing evidence and reasoning for our answers. 
He caught the ball while running down the court. He shot the ball up in the air, but missed the basket. What sport is he playing? How do you know? Use the RACE model.

He is playing basketball. I know this because the passage included words like court, basket, and ball.


What are 3 story elements?

Plot, setting, characters, point of view, and conflict.