This is the number of weeks in the summer term, 2023.
What is: 12 weeks
Another word for "soft" skills
What is "transferable skills"?
How a student can find a homework assignment (with DUE date).
What is: Check Canvas modules titled "Homework" and look for upcoming due dates?
Number of minutes dedicated to free writing time each class session (range)
What is: Between 5 and 15 minutes?
Townsend Press log-in: student username for our RLA class.
What is: firstname.lastname?
The total number of class sessions in RLA Summer 2023
What is: 23 sessions (12 weeks x 2 sessions/week = 24, MINUS 1 holiday on Tuesday, July 4th.)
Oral communication is an example of this skill (hard or soft?)
What is: soft skill?
If a student misses a deadline on an assignment, then they automatically get a "zero." (True/false)
What is: "False; the student should make special arrangement with instructor to complete the assignment."?
"Number one rule" of free writing time.
What is: Keep the pen moving, no matter what?
What is: Student password for Townsend Press online RLA classroom?
ABE department policy of _______percent (%) attendance for passing credit in a class.
What is: 80% attendance required?
Working with a specialized piece of technical software used by a specific job role is a _________skill (hard/soft)
What is a hard skill?
The independent-study assignments in the Townsend Press classroom focus on this topic.
What is: vocabulary? (Vocabulary Plus-Independent Study)
What NOT to worry about during free writing time.
What is (spelling, grammar, complete sentences, capitalization rules) or any writing "rules" at all?
My Townsend Press online account gives me access to class assignments AND online__________.
What is: online library of books of fiction and nonfiction?
Maximum number of classes a student can miss and still get passing credit, Summer 2023
What is: up to 5 class sessions maximum?
If a student is unsure of a "correct" answer during a class discussion, then they should remain silent. (T/F)
What is "False!"?
Where a student can find general information and resources for RLA course
What is: in Canvas, in the set of modules at the top (General Info and Class Resources)?
Students are required to share their free-writing samples with the class. (true/false)
What is: False?
Everyone in class works on the same lesson in Vocabulary Plus-independent study. (true/false)
What is: False?
What a student should do if they must miss a class session.
What is: Contact instructor to make alternative arrangements?
The email address that students should check each day.
What is: Santa Fe email address?
Where students can look to find the topics that were covered on a particular week.
What is: Canvas modules labeled by week?
Students will not be asked to turn in their free-writing paper to the instructor. (true/false)
What is: True?
I can find Townsend Press homework assignments in either the Canvas "Homework" module or directly in our TP online _____________.
What is: RLA Summer 2023 classroom online/Assignments?