General Admin
Subjects, Titles, Emails, and G-Chats
Admin Everyone Forgets

You forgot to do your RaMCIS admin from last week. Therefore you do your RaMCIS admin on 17 September for an action that took place on 11 September. What should the date of the activity be? 

The date the action happened on 


How should an A2A be properly labeled? 

Authorization to Act as Legal Representative 555-23-XXXXX


How should an NDL be labeled before it goes on RaMCIS? 


ex. NDL 555-23-XXXXX


You are going to conduct a TROM FU and you see the client's FIV transcript's have been added to RaMCIS only as a PDF. What must you do? 

Convent the PDF to a word document and add it to RaMCIS. 


At the end of your on call shift, you move the cases to where? 

The Archive Tab 


You try to phone a client but they do not answer the phone. What RaMCIS action do you do? 

Phone call ---> not reached 


You conducted an Appeal Screening or a Protection Screening. How should your document be titled? 

Appeal Screening [Client Name] [UNHCR #] [YI] 

Protection Screening [Client Name] [UNHCR #] [YI] 

Ex. Appeal Screening John Smit 555-23-XXXX [MS] 

Ex. Protection Screening Sarah Smith 555-23-XXXX [MS]


At what point must you upload your appeal screening (or any other screening aside from age-assessment screenings) to RaMCIS? 

When the reviewer sends it back to you with a final review (aka it does not need any more follow ups before a final decision needs to be made, and you are ready to sign the appeal application and A2A)


A client comes for an appointment and you notice we do not have a copy of their UNHCR card, or a copy of their most recent UNHCR card on RaMCIS. What must you do? 

Take a scan and add it to their RaMCIS. 


You meet with a client who is reporting their friends detention. You must send out a detention email. To whom do you send this to? 

- RLAP Detention Inbox

- Detention Focal Point 

- Ibrahim 

- Alex 

- Coordinator? 


You look at your client's YC and the name says 'Mohamed Abdalla Omar Yousef" but you look at their RaMCIS where their name is spelled "Mohammed Omar." What should you do?

Update their name on their RaMCIS profile to match their UNHCR document!


Whenever you send off an email that is relevant to a client, there is a corresponding action on RaMCIS that you MUST do. What is that activity and what do you put in the note? 

- Internal Communication 

- Copy and paste the email and add it to the note 


You are allocated an appeal screening and when you look at the client's NDL it is dated 8 September 2024. What RaMCIS action must you do? And what should the date of the action be? 

RaMCIS Action: Notification of Reasons for Decisions Issued 

Date: 8 September 2024 (the date of the NDL).


Your client will come in person for an appointment tomorrow. You have added this appointment to the interpreter booking sheet but you know there is still a chance the SIO's will not let them in the gate. What must you do to ensure your client does not get stuck outside? 

Make an action on RaMCIS that says "other" with a note notifying the SIO's of the appointment. 

Ex. Fatima has an appointment with Miriam on 18 September at 10:00 am. Please let her inside Essaf. For any issues contact Miriam at 


How many days in a row do you need to call a client before we deem them out of contact? What is the corresponding admin? 

UCY: if a client does not respond after trying to contact them on 3 separate days we deem them out of contact. Highlight their name on on call in RED and make a 'client unreachable' note on RaMCIS. Move client to 'out of contact' tab in UCY Docket 

RSD: ??


Your client informs you they have a new phone number and you notice that number is NOT on RaMCIS. What two things should you do on RaMCIS? 

1. Update Client Contact 

2. Add it as a primary number


I have reached out to a client's caseworker over G-chat and on G-chat I have a relevant discussion with that caseworker about important information regarding my client's case. Should I copy and paste this G-chat conversation and add it to RaMCIS?

Yes!! If you have discussed something over G-chat that is relevant to your client's case. We should have a record of it because if you and the case worker leave, then that information could be lost forever. 


You have finally finished a lengthy appeal case and it has been sent off to UNHCR. What RaMCIS action do you do? What is in the note? And what documents get uploaded to RaMCIS? 

RaMCIS Action: Brief/Supporting Statements Submitted to UNHCR 

- Note includes a copy/paste of the email that got sent off to UNHCR 

- Need to upload the Statement and/or Brief to RaMCIS as BOTH a PDF and Word document


A reviewed TROM is sent back to you and the reviewer tells you that we will move ahead with the case. What is the corresponding action on RaMCIS? And what must you upload? 

1. Decision Made to---> Pursue Appeal 

2. Upload reviewed TROM FU


UCY SPECIFIC: you meet with a client on call to provide them with a first instance workshop and screening. How many google forms do you fill out during the interaction and what are the forms? 

Two google forms! 

1. On call -Reg/Rst/RSD Form 

2. RSD First Instance Workshop (New) 


Your client is a 16 year old UCY. She fled Sudan after being forced to undergo FGM and because of the ongoing war. UNHCR provided her a WP because they consider her an adult. What are 5 Vulnerabilities that should be checked off on her profile based on the above statement? 

1. Severe Protection Concerns 

2. SGBV Survivor 

3. UCY 

4. UCY Age Assessed by Adult 

5. Displaced by the Sudanese Conflict 


You are about to send an appeal screening, or a protection screening, or a first instance screening, or even a reopening screening off for review... What must be included in the body of your email? [hint there are two things.]

- The bio-data from the top of the screening 

- Your recommendation 


You have an appointment with a client where the purpose of the appointment is to sign the appeal application and the A2A. Aside from uploading these documents to RaMCIS, four activities need to be added to RaMCIS ASAP. What are they? 

1. Follow up interview with client---> purpose of FU appointment was to sign A2A and Appeal Application 

2. Internal communication (copy/paste email you sent to the coordinator) 

3. Appeal Application Submitted to UNHCR (copy/paste email coordinator sent to UNHCR

4. Added to---> Transcript Request Spreadsheet


You submit a registration inquiry on the for an adult client and the registration focal point submits it to UNHCR. What is one step you MUST do next? And two steps you MAY have to do next?

Please make sure you do your admin steps:

  • Update RaMCIS with the finalized text of the inquiry in the attendance note of "Registration inquiry..." --> "registration inquiry sent to UNHCR" for your cases, on the day it was sent.
  • If you have not informed your clients you were referring them, please do so; and
  • If the inquiries are from RSD on-call interactions, make sure the cases submitted are in the RSD On-Call Inquiries: Complete tab in the RLAP RSD Team On-Call Inquiries Docket.

RSD Specific: there appear to be two live forms relevant to your team- and all on-call encounters should be recorded in one of these two forms. What are they?

All on-call encounters should be recorded on either the ReO On-Call Intake or the RSD On-Call Inquiries spreadsheet and in RaMCIS