Characterization 10.3
Text Structure 10.3
Literary Devices in OR

Characterization is..... 

How a character is developed. What qualities a character has and how the author creates them. 


What are the three purposes? 





What is theme? 

The lesson intended for the audience to learn. 


What are text structures?

how the author organizes the information within the text.


What are the three ironies? 





Indirect characterization is...... 

Audiences must make...... 

the author shows the audience how the character is DOES NOT tell the reader how the character is



What is POV?

How many are there? 

The perspective of the narrator of the story. 


"he foretold other and desperate horrors to befall me, that I was fated to lie with my mother, and show to daylight an accursed breed which men would not endure, and I was doomed to be murderer of the father that begot me. When I heard this I fled." 

a. Fate vs Free Will

b. Sight vs Blindness 

c. Guilt and Shame 

d. Obedience to the gods

a. Fate vs Free Will


What are the five text structures? 

Must have all 5 correct to get credit. 







We know that the prophecy has come true but the character's do not is an example of..... 

dramatic irony 


Ms. Roberts noticed that Tierney had not been herself recently. She participated less in class, dressed in darker colors, and didn't want to associate with the friends that she had at the beginning of the school year. Noticing these changes, Ms. Roberts scheduled a conference after school with Tierney so that they could talk in private. 

What character trait describes Ms. Roberts? What line supports your answer? 

Perceptive, caring, concerned 

"Noticing these changes" 

"noticed that Tierney had not been herself recently." 


A public service announcement telling kids to stay in school purpose is.... 



"You have your eyes but see not where you are in sin, nor where you live, nor whom you live with."

a. Fate vs. Free Will 

b. Sight vs Blindness 

c. Guilt and Shame 

d. Obedience to the gods

B. Sight v. Blindness 

There are many reasons why people dance. Some people dance for fun, just because they enjoy dancing. At other times, people dance for exercise or for weight loss, because dancing can really get your heart beating. Also, sometimes people dance to try to get boyfriends or girlfriends. Some people think that good dancing is attractive. There are many reasons why people dance. 

What text structure is present? Cite one line for full.

Must have both 

Cause and effect 

Answers may vary 


Scene IV- the following quote is an example of what literary device? 

Oedipus: "-- No, O Light, may I look on you for the last time! I, Oedipus, Oedipus, damned in his birth, in his marriage damned, damned in the blood he shed with his own hand(Oedipus, 250). 



Anna volunteered to help Kylie clean her house. When Anna washed the mirrors, Kylie asked her if she used paper towels instead of newspapers. When Anna admitted that she had, Kylie asked her to redo them. Then, while Anna was sweeping, Kylie corrected her on her technique. "Don't just push the dirt around, Anna. SWEEP it," Kylie told Anna. 

What trait describes Kylie? What line supports your answer? 

Bossy, unappreciative, perfectionist 

"Kylie asked her to redo them. Then, while Anna was sweeping, Kylie corrected her on her technique."


Boots is a very lazy cat who has enjoys his hours, upon hours, of naps. Boots always refuses to catch mice or chase fireflies with me.

“Maybe after my nap, Jingles,” he always says to me, but Boots’ life is one big nap. If he ever chases mice, he does so only in his dreams.

One day, Boots decided to nap on a neighbor’s back porch.

“This bench is so cozy,” he said as he settled into the soft seat. It was the perfect napping spot.

Who is the narrator?

What is the POV? 

How does the narrator feel about Boots? 


Third-person- limited 

Jingles thinks Boots is lazy 


"And then she groaned and cursed the bed in which she brought forth husband by her husband, children by her own child, an infamous double bond. How after that she died I do not know, — for Oedipus distracted us from seeing."

Select the topic/theme that most supports the quote. 

a. blindness and sight 

b. guilt and shame 

c. obedience to the gods 

d. pursuit of knowledge

b. guilt and shame 


Hurricanes and tornados are both amazing yet deadly natural phenomena. Both generate deadly conditions, but in different ways. Tornados are likely to damage people and property with their high winds, which go up to 300 miles per hour, but hurricanes are generally more feared for their flooding. Also, hurricanes can produce tornados, which makes them quite dangerous indeed. 

What is the text structure? Cite 1 sentence to support your answer. Must have both to get credit. 


"Both generate deadly conditions but in different ways" 


Scene III- The following quote is an example of what literary device. 

Oedipus: "What do you mean? In the name of God tell me!

Messenger: "-- if these are your reasons for going home." 

Questioning continues for multiple lines. 

Suspense through dialogue 

Actions that would demonstrate a greedy person. 

wouldn’t share, take more than is required/desired, be selfish 


How does limiting the character's perspective of the play enhance the drama/irony and create suspense? 

It creates a more dramatic realization at the end. 


What is the major theme of Oedipus Rex

What actions/dialogue supports that theme? You may paraphrase the details. 

Major theme: 

Don't question God's will- if you do there will be punishment. 

Evidence may vary.

Sophocle's develops tension/suspense through two literary techniques.

What are they? (Must get both to get points._ 




What literal device is present in the news the messenger brings? 

Messenger: "I am from Cornith. The news I bring ought to men joy for you, Though it may be you will find some grief in it" (Sophocles, 238). 
