What time does school end?
What is 3:00pm
How old is Ms. Zoe?
What is 25
When days do the dinners get cooked?
What is Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
How many kids does Ms. Katie have?
What is 3
What time is morning recess?
What is 10:15am
How many teachers work at the school?
What is 4
Where did Ms. Jermin go to High School?
What is Etobicoke
Where is the movie theatre?
What is the Basement
What year did Ms. Zoe graduate High School?
What is 2016
Who comes to supervise lunch time?
What is Ethan
Who teaches Kindergarten?
What is Ms. Zoe
In what year did Ms. Ciana do her teaching placement at RMHC School?
What is 2016
When did the RMHC Toronto house open?
What is 1981
What university did Ms. Ciana attend?
What is Queen's University
Where do you go when you need something from your bag?
What is the cubby area
What grades do we serve here?
What is K-12
What sport did Ms. Zoe play as a kid?
What is Hockey
How many rooms does the house currently have for families?
What is 81
What grades does Ms. Jermin teach?
What is All Grades
What popular food franchise supports the school?
What is McDonalds