Respect Others
Model Responsibility
Safe Choices
Honor The Castle
Consequence Sequence

What are some of the expectations for being respectful to others in the hallways and common spaces?

Being Friendly, Using inside voices, Using appropriate language, Following personal technology expectations


What are ways to model responsibility during arrival and dismissal?

Being on time, Exiting quickly, Staying in designated area


What are some safe choices to make in the classroom?

Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself, be seated when the bell rings, walk in the classroom


The K in Knights when Honoring the Castle Stands for

Kindness: Showing Kindness, Is Polite and is Respectful 


What is a first 1st offense on the Consequence Sequence?

General Reminder


What are ways to be respectful to others in the cafeteria?

Waiting for your table to be called, Using inside voices, Following our cafeteria procedures


What are ways to model responsibility in the hallways?

Using hallway passes during class time, Keep hallways clean, Observing personal space of others, Keeping your locker locked and combination to self


What are some ways to make safe choices during arrival and dismissal?

Walk to your destination, keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself (no horseplay).


Outstanding in Citizenship means:

Expectations are ALWAYS met without reminders


What the consequence for a third offense on the Consequence Sequence?

Seat Change


What are ways to be respectful to others in the bathrooms? 

Waiting patiently, Being polite, Having no electronic devices


What are ways to model responsibility in the cafeteria?

Clean up your area, have your ID and money ready, use your time wisely, no sharing food or borrowing money


What are some safe choices to make in the cafeteria?

Sit with feet on the floor, facing the table, approach the lunch line in an orderly fashion, keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. 


The N in Knights for Citizenship stands for:

Nobility: is prepared, positive, responsible and participates


What is the consequence for a 6th offense on the Consequence Sequence?

Office Referral


What are ways to be respectful to others during arrival and dismissal?

Heading straight to destination (common area, cafeteria, ride), Observing personal space, Using appropriate language


What are ways to model responsibility in the bathroom?

Flush the toilet, wash your hands, use inside voice, use the bathroom appropriately.


What are safe choices to make on the bus?

Stay seated, follow the bus rules, keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. 


Unsatisfactory Citizenship means:

Expectations are NOT met


What is the consequence for a second offense on the Consequence Sequence?

Individual reminder


What are ways to show respect for others in the classroom?

Being polite, Being friendly, Being patient, Raising hand


What are ways to model responsibility in the classroom?

Be on time, have necessary materials, follow classroom rules and expectations, be organized and ask for help when needed.


What are some safe choices in the hallways?

Walk on the right side of the hall, be aware of others, allow others to pass, keep your hands and feet to yourself (no horseplay).


The H in Knights for Citizenship stands for:

Helpful: is cooperative and works well with others


What the consequence is for the 5th offense on the Consequence Sequence?

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