Bedrest Chronicles
(Cath Lab)
DOH said so...
(SOGI/Care plans)
Silly Standards
(Quality Indicators)
My pain is 10/10
(Fun Facts)

You get a patient from cath lab, what are you reviewing with the cath lab nurse?

Access sites

Post op orders

Inflation amount (mLs or turns) of device


What does SOGI stand for?

Sexual orientation and Gender Identity


Name the Four quality indicators

CAUTI, CLABSI, Wound, Falls


How long after giving PO pain medication do you re-assess your patient's pain level?

1 hour


Who are the Fantastic Four nurses that started in the year 2000

Linda, Betty, Matt, and Judi


How many mL's are in a quarter turn of a ROC band?



How long do you have to complete the SOGI data from time of admission?

24 hours


When do you use Theraworks

Foley patients, q shift & after BM. OR if they are allergic to CHG.


How often do you clear the PCA pump?

q8 hours


List 4 of the critters & bugs that have been found on 6NE

Bed Bugs, Cockroaches, Maggots, Flies, Lice, Ladybugs, Mouse


What is your CMS assessment and how often do you complete it?

Color/temperature, sensation/ capillary refill, and movement of extremity below access site. q15 min x4, q30 min x2, q1 hour x4, q4 hour x2, then back to what is ordered


True or False: Assessment of SOGI happens every re-admission



What are the times you should measure a wound?

On admission (or discovery), every Monday, and within 24 hours of discharge.


How often do you re-assess pain after you give a Clinician PCA bolus?

q15 minutes x4


Why was Sunday potluck named Breakfast with the Beetles?

The radio played Beetles music every Sunday morning.


You are assessing your patients access site and notice a new large bump, what do you do next?

Hold pressure and call provider & cath lab. This is a hematoma.


What makes your careplan patient specific?

Having it related to your patients admission diagnosis. 


How often do you assess external length of a PICC and what do you do if it has migrated?

Assess AND CHART q shift. If migrated >2cm notify MD & reverify via Xray. Once reverified update paper above head of bed.


How long after giving IV pain medication do you re-assess a patients pain level?

30 minutes


What type of floor was 6NE prior to Medicine & Cardiology?

GYN-ONC & Urology


How many hours post hemostasis is your patient on bedrest with a femoral access site.

SEE THE ORDERS (normally it is 4)


You're not feeling comfortable asking the patient about their SOGI data, is there another way to gather the information?

Printable form


Oh no! Your patient has fallen and they are now safely back in bed without a spinal injury. What are your 5 next steps?

Post fall huddle, complete fall navigator, complete safety net, re-do fall assessment, and adjust sign outside of room.


You have a PRN Oxycodone 5mg-10mg q6 order. You give your patient 5mg, but their pain is still 11/10 and the patient is asking for more pain medication. How long do you have to give the remainder of the range dose?

1 hour from when the initial dose was given. Of note: once the "2nd dose" is given, the clock re-starts and the next PRN isn't available until 6 hours from the second dose time. 


What city & state was Christy born in?

Brookfield WI