nursing interventions
patient teaching
Name the Complication
Labor Pains

Taking this nutritional supplement will reduce risk of neural tube defects

What is folic acid?


The nurse should confirm that this blood test is completed to test for maternal-fetal blood incompatibility

What is RH Factor test (Indirect Coombs test)


prior to starting the amniocentesis, the nurse should instruct the patient to do what?

What is empty her bladder


This complication is characterized by large amounts of vaginal bleeding that is bright red and without pain

What is Placenta Previa


IV fluid bolus should be given to prevent hypotension prior to this procedure

What is initiating an epidural


This medication will need to be given to mothers to mothers in preterm labor to increase lung maturity of the fetus

What is betamethasone


When initiating an NST (non-stress test) the nurse will be sure to place this device on the abdomen to monitor the baby.

What is the fetal heart monitor


For a mother with mild preeclampsia the nurse should teach her to monitor her baby by counting these.

What are kick counts?


Headache is common symptom that alerts of this complication.

What is preeclampsia


This phase of labor is know as the phase of dilation

What is the first stage


This is a common pregnancy discomfort that occurs in the first trimester and often returns in the third

What is urinary urgency


This medication will be given to a maternal patient receiving Mag Sulfate IV if her respiratory rate is 10/min

What is Calcium Gluconate


This is key teaching for a pregnant mother that is rubella titer negative about receiving this immunization

Get the MMR vaccine after delivery


symptoms include: abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and a tender board-like abdomen 

What is abruptio placentae


After a vaginal exam the provider report that the fetus is at -1. This finding informs the nurse of what?

What is the station? The fetus is above the ischial spines.

At her 20 week clinic visit, a pregnant client reports a feeling of fluttering in her abdomen. The nurse explains this is -

What is quickening


Priority nursing interventions for mom are to maintain a patent airway, turn patient on their side, give magnesium sulfate or diazepam IV, and administer oxygen by facemask

What is care during an eclamptic seizure


This pregnant mom is at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes within 5 years of delivery and should have frequent glucose testing done

Who is mom's who developed gestational diabetes


Symptoms include:  increased thirst, urinary frequency, and increased hunger that can occur in the second trimester

What is gestational diabetes


The nurse know that the laboring mother with a hx of gestational diabetes can birth a newborn with this complication. 

What is newborn hypoglycemia


Implementing this routinely can promote positive health benefits including improved circulation. 

What is exercising


The nurse is admitting a maternal patient at 28 weeks gestation in preterm labor. The nurse expects to give this medication to reduce uterine contractions

What is terbutaline


Rho(D) immune globulin or Rhogam is given to RH (-) mothers to prevent this in the second trimester. 

Formation of Rh antibodies 


This disorder is characterized by anemia, epigastric or right upper quadrant pain, abnormal bleeding and clotting, and nausea

What is HELLP syndrome


This is completed on admission to the L&D unit prior to applying the FHR monitor and TOCO tracers

What are leopold's maneuvers