Literature Terms
The Outsiders
Reading Strategies
Apply lit terms
Define the following words: *plot *setting *protagonist
Plot= sequence of events in a story Setting= time and place Protagonist= main character
The novel, The Outsiders is told from this point of view. Ponyboy was the __________. He told the story.
What is first person? narrator
What are the types of connections?
text to text; text to self; text to world
“Honesty is the best policy” "Having patience pays off" "Be careful what you wish for" "People who work hard and are dedicated get rewards" = these are examples of ___________ Now come up with your own
Which literature term is a tool the author uses to show you what a character's personality is like?
Who is the protagonist? What words characterize this character? What is the setting of the novel?
Protagonist= Ponyboy Curtis; loner, intelligent, loyal, conscientious Setting= midwestern city 1960's
Fill in the equation: __________+__________= _______________ Which reading strategy has this formula?
making inferences
Our flag stands for freedom and democracy. What is this an example of?
Define antagonist and give an example of one from our stories this year.
person or force working against the main character
It bothered Ponyboy that people thought he was no good just because of the way he dressed and wore his hair. This is an example of which type of conflict?
man vs. society
Why do we learn reading strategies?
Reading stragtegies help us understand what we are reading.
Penny thought it would be easy to sneak out of the building. She told herself to act normal and everything would be alright. She was having a hard time getting rid of the feeling of doom in her stomach. Which point of view is used above?
omniscient point of view
What is the difference between flashback and foreshadow? Give an example of each... think about novels and short stories we read this year.
Flashback is when a character remembers something that happened before a story began; foreshadow is a hint of something that will happen in the story
Which literary tool did the author use to tell the story of The Outsiders? Hint the first and last lines of the book were the same.
When I read about the rescue from the burning church, I was reminded of the boy from Where the Red Fern Grows. Both boys were brave and put the needs of others ahead of their own. Which type of connection is this?
text to text
I watched the bird dances across the sky as the sun said good night. This is an example of ______________
Define simile and metaphor. Give an example of a simile
simile- comparison of two unlike things using the key words like or as metaphor- comparison of two unlike things saying one is the other
Explain why it didn't matter who won the rumble... Given one type of conflict in the novel (tell type and give example from the novel)
Greasers would still be Greasers, nothing would change; they would still be poor and looked down on
What is another way to think about what inferences do? Which stragtegy is making a movie in your head?
Reading between the lines or filling in the gaps visualization
We did not expect the old lady to be a murderer. The computer engineer didn't know how to use the Wii. The English teacher that doesn't spell very well. These are examples of __________