(Good Luck!)
This is the most basic traffic calming infrastructure found on a roadway
Speed bump (or flex posts, raised crosswalks, on street parking, lane narrowing/chicanes - planter boxes, temp curbs)
All fines in this zone are doubled (hint: not a construction zone)
Community Safety Zone
This is a principle, first implemented in Sweden, to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.
Vision Zero
This approach means implementing evidence-based measures for safe drivers, safe speeds, safe roads, and safe vehicles
Safe Systems Approach
John Wambombo is the program coordinator of this group in Road Safety
Safer Roads Ottawa
This European-inspired intersection type reduces conflict points
A system that uses cameras (and the corresponding speed measurement device) to enforce speed limits
Automated Speed Enforcement
This Ottawa Fire Services and Safer Roads Ottawa awareness campaign, held every October, encourages pedestrians and cyclists to be visible.
Be Safe Be Seen
This OTM Book is dedicated to pedestrian crossing treatments
OTM Book 15
These are known as the three Es of safety
Raised buttons, bars or depressions closely spaced at regular intervals on the roadway or shoulder that create both noise and vibration in a moving vehicle to alert the driver or cyclist of an upcoming situation, or of a potentially hazardous deviation from the normal travel way.
Rumble strips
This program is an initiative to improve intersection safety by decreasing the incidence of red-light running.
Red-Light Camera
The theme of the Road Safety Action Plan
Think Safety, Act Safely
This is the lowest type of PXO in Ontario
Type D PXO
This partner agency is responsible for enforcement in Ottawa
Ottawa Police Service
This is a form of an exclusive pedestrian phase where a walk indication that is provided in advance of the corresponding vehicle green indications to give pedestrians a head start on parallel or turning traffic.
Leading Pedestrian Interval
The number of school buses equipped with cameras as part of a pilot project in Ottawa.
This awareness campaign encourages young drivers to make a public pledge via the Leave The Phone Alone website to avoid distractions while driving.
Leave The Phone Alone (LTPA)
These types of streets are designed to balance the needs of all road users including trucks and service vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists
Complete streets
This comprehensive and proactive strategy has a vision to make Ottawa roads safe for all users
Road Safety Action Plan
The longitudinal space required by a motorist or cyclist, travelling at a given speed, to bring their vehicle to a stop after an object on the roadway becomes visible.
Stopping Sight Distance (SSD)
This number of locations in Ottawa that will have a speed camera enforcing by the end of 2025
The City's Road Safety Action Plan communication ad campaign is guided by this theme.
Time is Precious
These Federal safety standards apply to public and private railway grade crossings in Canada.
Grade Crossing Regulations
The 2020-2024 Road Safety Action calls for this percent reduction in the annual rate of fatal and major injury collisions by 2024