End of One War/Trouble Brewing
Quartering Act/Sons of Liberty
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Tensions Reach a Boiling Point

Why were the people shown in the image rioting?

They opposed a tax on paper products.


Why did the colonists oppose the Townshend Acts?

They denied the colonists’ right to a trial by jury


Why is Crispus Attucks important to U.S. history?

He is considered the first person to die for American independence.


What were the effects of the Boston Tea Party? Select the two correct answers.

Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts 

Delegates met at the First Continental Congress.


What does Patrick Henry suggest when he asks, “Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies?”

The troops are there to oppress the colonists.


Why did Parliament enforce the policy shown in the map?

to prevent conflict with Native Americans


What was the main purpose of John Dickinson’s Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania?

to urge colonists to resist British taxation


Why were the British soldiers responsible for the Boston Massacre found not guilty?

Because the colonists had been threatening them and throwing objects at them.

(Expand on this idea)


Even though the tea act made tea cheaper, what caused the colonists to dump a shipment of tea into Boston Harbor?

They did not like that they were not represented.

They wanted to smuggle in Dutch tea and not pay any taxes.

(Expand on these ideas)


What was the purpose of colonial militias?

to protect local communities from British attack


“The very act of taxing, exercised over those who are not represented, appears to me to be depriving them of one of their most essential rights, as freemen; and if continued, seems to be in effect an entire disfranchisement of every civil right.”

Which statement would James Otis agree with?

Taxation without representation goes against the rights of Englishmen.


On your own paper, write a well-organized paragraph in response to the following prompt: The Sons of Liberty decreased the likelihood of war between Great Britain and the American colonies. 

Using evidence from the chapter, support or refute this claim.

Answers will vary, but students should include evidence such as 

Sons of Liberty organized protests, petitions, and boycotts against British policies and taxes; the Sons of Liberty organized the Committee of Correspondence to quickly share information between colonies following the Boston Massacre; the Sons of Liberty played a role in organizing the Boston Tea Party


Why was the First Continental Congress a significant factor in American independence?

It helped created an American identity.

(Expand on this idea.)


5th. That the only representatives of the people of these colonies, are persons chosen therein, by themselves; and that no taxes ever have been, or can be constitutionally imposed on them, but by their respective legislatures. . . . 

According to the excerpt, why do the colonists oppose the Stamp Act?

It was imposed without their consent.