What is the definition of Parliament?
Britain's lawmaking group/form of government
Who was picked to be Commander in Chief of the Continental Army?
George Washington
Taxes on sugar and molasses
The Sugar Act
What was the first battle that marked the beginning of the American Revolution?
The Battles of Lexington and Concord
Why did the First Continental Congress meet in 1774, and what did it do?
They met to decide how to react to Britain's unfair acts and policies
Why were the men in the militia called Minutemen?
They were called Minutemen because they could be ready to fight at a minute's notice.
Who had the idea to charge the colonists taxes to recover the nation's finances after the French and Indian War?
King George III
Taxes on paper
The Stamp Act
How many individuals were killed in the Boston Massacre?
What was the Proclamation of 1763, and how did colonists react to it?
Said that all land to the west of the Appalachian mountains belonged to the Native Americans. The colonists were angry about this, so they protested against it and ignored it.
What does the word boycott mean?
Refusing to buy or use goods as a protest.
Who was a member of the Sons of Liberty and warned the colonists that the British were coming?
Paul Revere
Taxes on glass, paint, lead, paper and tea
The Townshend Act
What was the Boston Tea Party?
A protest where colonists threw British tea into the harbor
What happened on July 4,1776, that makes such an important date in American history?
The Declaration of Independence was approved.
What does revolution mean?
A big change or overthrow of a government.
He founded the Sons of Liberty.
Samuel Adams
After the Boston Tea Party, Parliament passed the __________ Acts to punish the colonists for dumping tea in the harbor.
Intolerable Acts or Coercive Acts
Bonus: closed the Boston Port, colonist could not run their own government without the King's permission, Quartering Act
Who was the King of England during the time of the American Revolution?
King George III
Act of protest in 1773; colonists dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor.
Boston Tea Party
What does colony mean?
A land controlled by another country.
Was considered the first person killed in American Revolution.
Crispus Attucks
A common phrase heard after the Tea Act.
The act passed right after the Stamp Act was called
The Townshend Act- and it taxed all imported goods
British soldiers fired into a crowd of protestors resulting in the deaths of civilians in 1770.
The Boston Massacre