War Battles & Major Events
Striving for Independence
Key Players

Parliament’s longtime practice of ____________, or not enforcing most laws governing the colonies, created a sense of individualism among the colonists.  

What is salutary neglect?


Parliament’s first attempt to raise money by taxing the colonists directly, not just taxing imported goods. 

Tax on paper documents

What is the Stamp Act of 1765?


a battle won by the Patriots against Hessian mercenaries

What is the Battle of Trenton?


A writer in the Massachusetts colony, disagreed with the new tax. She began writing plays that mocked British leaders for being greedy.

Who is Mercy Otis Warren?


army created by the Second Continental Congress to carry out the fight against Britain

What is the Continental Army?


a Frenchman who volunteered to serve in the Continental army without pay and used his money and influence to support the Patriots

Who is Marquis de Lafayette?


In the 1760s, settlers were moving west to the frontier and into the homelands of Native nations. To prevent conflicts over land between these settlers and Native nations, Britain’s king issued the _________________, banning colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains and recognizing the area as an American Indian Reserve.  

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


In 1767, Parliament passed these Acts. These acts placed taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. Many colonists responded to the new acts by once again boycotting British goods.

What are the Townshend Acts?


a great victory for the American forces in which British general John Burgoyne surrendered his entire army to American general Horatio Gates

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


A colonial lawyer, argued that the power of the Crown and Parliament was limited. He said they could not “take from any man any part of his property, without his consent in person or by representation.” The colonists could not “consent in person” and had no direct representatives in Parliament.

Who is James Otis?


a meeting of delegates from 12 colonies in Philadelphia in May 1775

What is the Second Continental Congress?


an enslaved Black American who worked as a spy and provided information that gave the Continental army an advantage at Yorktown

Who is James Armistead?


__________________ had huge amounts of tea but was not allowed to sell it directly to the colonists. If the company could sell tea directly to the colonists, it could charge low prices and still make money. Cheaper tea might encourage colonists to stop smuggling. Less smuggling would result in more tax money.

What is the British Tea Company?


Parliament passed the _______________. It allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonists. Many colonial merchants and smugglers feared that the British East India Company’s cheap tea would put them out of business.

What is the Tea Act of 1773?


the last major battle of the America Revolution

What is the Battle of Yorktown?

  • At a Boston town meeting in 1764, a local leader agreed with Otis. He believed that Parliament could not tax the colonists without their permission. The ideas of Otis and Adams were summed up in the slogan “No Taxation without Representation,” which spread throughout the colonies.

Who is Samuel Adams?


a 47-page pamphlet that argued against British rule over America

What is Common Sense?


a woman who became famous for providing water to American soldiers, which led to her being nicknamed Molly Pitcher

Who is Mary Ludwig Hayes?


a meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia to decide how to respond to the closing of Boston Harbor, increased taxes, and other actions by the British government

What is the First Continental Congress?


The British prime minister was angered when he heard about the Boston Tea Party, and Parliament decided to punish Boston. In the spring of 1774, it passed the Coercive Acts, but colonists called these laws the ________________.  

What are the Intolerable Acts?


a battle in Boston that demonstrated the colonists could fight well against the British army

What is the Battle of Bunker Hill?


In 1763, Great Britain won the French and Indian War, but the British Parliament still had to pay for it. The British kept a permanent army in North America to protect the colonists. To help pay for this army, British ____________ George Grenville asked Parliament to tax the colonists.

Who is the Prime Minister?


the main author of the Declaration of Independence

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


the governor of Spanish Louisiana who became a Patriot ally

Who is Bernado de Galvez?


American colonial militia members ready to fight at a minute’s notice

What are minutemen?


the effects of the coercive acts:

  1. Boston Harbor was closed until Boston paid for the ruined tea.
  2. Massachusetts’s charter was canceled. The governor decided if and when the legislature could meet.
  3. Royal officials accused of crimes in the colonies were sent to Britain for trial. This let them face a friendlier judge and jury.
  4. A new Quartering Act required colonists to house British soldiers. (Quarters can mean “housing for people to live in.”)
  5. The Quebec Act gave a large amount of land to the colony of Quebec, which the colonists felt limited their land claims.
  6. General Thomas Gage became the new governor of Massachusetts.

the peace agreement in which Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States

What is the Treaty of Paris of 1783?


Two Boston lawyers, __________ and ___________—argued the soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre acted in self-defense.

Who are John Adams and Josiah Quincy?


author of Common Sense who wrote that citizens, not monarchs, should make laws

Who is Thomas Paine?


a Prussian military officer who trained the Continental army

Who is Baron Friedrich von Steuben?


colonists, sometimes called Tories, who remained loyal to Britain

Who are Loyalists?


a protest against the Tea Act in which a group of colonists boarded British tea ships and dumped more than 340 chests of tea into Boston Harbor

What is the Boston Tea Party?


a Black American sailor who was the first person killed in the Boston Massacre

Who is Crispus Attucks?


American colonists who chose to fight for independence

Who are Patriots?


the document that argued why the colonies should come together formally and that announced their break from Great Britain

What is the Declaration of Independence?


Boston leader who believed Parliament could not tax the colonists without their permission

Who is Samuel Adams?