Important people
Acts of Rebellion
Bonus Questions

Who was King Geroge III?

He ruled the British Kingdom during the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War.


 What was the Sugar Act?

The first of many tax laws to come that denied the rights of the colonists. Sugar, molasses, beer, other items to be taxed.



member of a class of American militiamen during the Revolution who volunteered to be ready for service at a minute's notice


What is "Taxation without representation"

Englishmen were taxed only with the consent of one’s representatives in Parliament. Unlike English law, it was a right that the colonists did not have.


Who was Paul Revere

He heard that the British were headed for Concord., he alerted the minutemen. Paul Revere was captured by the British Soldiers in Lexington but they later released him.


What was the Quartering Act?

In 1764, Parliament passed an act where colonists were forced to accommodate British troops. It allowed them to stay where they pleased. They had to provide them with food, drinks, and candles.



the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.


What did the Proclamation of 1763 do?

Colonists were not allowed to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains (after they won the French and Indian War for the land)


Who was Crispus Attucks?

He was one of the five colonists that were killed in the Boston Massacre. He may have been a slave or freeman and was an important icon of the anti-slavery movement in the 19th century.


What was the Stamp Act?

Taxes on all press, printed items – every time colonists purchased newspapers, stamps, other parchment, other paper products



The refusal to buy or use certain goods


Why did Great Britain need to tax the colonists? 

The British needed money to pay for the Seven Years’ War (French & Indian War). Even though they won, it costed them greatly. They began taxing the colonists.


Who are the Daughters of Liberty

The Daughters of Liberty responded to the Townshend Acts by weaving and sewing their own cloth to make clothes. This helped with the boycotting British clothing. The British lost money and Parliament removed many of the taxes in response.


What was the Boston Massacre?

British soldiers were sent to Boston to control the colonists. Young boys threw snowballs at the soldiers and the colonists were taunting them as well. Shots were fired but it was unsure which side shot first. It led to 5 colonists being killed.



the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone else


What was the The First Continental Congress

Held from September 5th to October 26th 1774, delegates from the 13 colonies (except for Georgia) met in Philadelphia to organize a resistance to the Intolerable Acts.  


Who were the Sons of Liberty?

In response to the Stamp Act, the Sons of Liberty were created. The Sons of Liberty were colonists who organized protests and boycotts.


What was the Boston Tea Party? 

Colonists boarded a British ship in disguises and dumped over 300 chests of tea into the harbor while declaring, “Boston will be a teapot tonight!”



a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.


What were the three regions of the colonies?

New England, Middle and Southern.