No Turning Back
Key Individuals

This is widely agreed by most historians to be the cause of the Civil War.

What is Slavery?


The North was mainly this type of economy.

What is Industrial?

A network of secret routes and safe houses which helped slaves escape to the free states and Canada.

What was the underground railroad?


This political party was formed in 1854 in opposition to the expansion of slavery out west. This party still exists today.

What is the Republican Party?


An abolitionist author, orator, and former slave. Known for his biography on his life as a slave, and his rousing speeches.

Who was Frederick Douglass?


This alternative argument made by many in the South is the main cause of the Civil War. 

What is States Rights?


The main crop that the Southern Economy relied upon.

What is Cotton?


A former slave known for 13 missions to rescue 70+ enslaved people in their home state of Maryland (and Virginia).

Who was Harriet Tubman?


A Supreme Court case which stated that slaves were property and had no rights under the law destroying the concept of free states.

What was Dred Scott v. Sanford?


The man is known for his role in the Missouri Compromise, Nullification, and Compromise of 1850 giving him the nickname "The Great Compromiser"

Who was Henry Clay?


The regional divide in political, economic, and social goals, developed between the North and South in the early US

What is Sectionalism?


This was the main reason Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren were worried about Texas's Annexation.

What is Balance in the Senate (Congress)?


Individuals who assisted slaves on the run. (what were they known as?)

Who were the Conductors?


This man won the election of 1860.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?


I am known for killing 5 pro-slavery settlers in Kansas and the raid on Harper's Ferry in 1859.

Who was John Brown?


The belief that states could make certain laws "null and void" if they felt the law was unconstitutional.

This was seen during the Jacksonian Era with the _______ Crisis in South Carolina over tariffs.

What is Nullification?


This law from the Compromise of 1850 stated that slaves that had escaped to the North must be returned to their owners. Those who helped escaped slaves would be punished as well.

What is The Fugitive Slave Act?


This book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe showed the horrors of slavery and swayed many in the north towards the Abolitionist movement.

What is Uncle Tom's Cabin?


This state was the first to secede from the Union in 1860.

What is South Carolina?


These two Presidents during the 1850s were known for doing nothing about the issue of Slavery...

Who were Franklin Pierce (1853-1857) and James Buchanan (1857-1861)?


Power which is shared between the national government and state governments.

What is Federalism?


This compromise in 1820 drew a line at the 36th parallel and stated that no slave states could be created above this line.

What was the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

A powerful leader of the abolitionist movement in its early years and publisher of an important newspaper "The Liberator".

Who was William Lloyd Garrison?


A famous Senator from Illinois who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act and is famous for his many debates with Abraham Lincoln.

Who was Stephen Douglas?


These three senators became known as the Triumvirate. Name the three men.

Henry Clay (West), Daniel Webster (North), and John C. Calhoun (South)