We have a "holiday" named after his early explorer.
Christopher Columbus.
Where was Roanoke located in the early 1500s, and where is it located today?
Virginia and North Carolina
Where was Jamestown located, and still is today.
Whose land do we stand on today?
A symbolic representation of selected characteristics of a place, usually drawn on a flat surface
A map
What were the 3Gs?
Gold, Glory or Greed, and God.
What was the name of the first person born in Roanoke?
Virginia Dare
What year did the settlers arrive?
What was the name of the Native American tribe (one of many) that was near Jamestown, and the name of the chief.
Powhatans, and Chief Powhatan (although, that's not his real name, remember :)
A set of instructions that explains what the symbols, colors, and lines on a map represent.
A key
What else did the early explorers want from distant lands? Specifically Asia?
How many ships and ~people were on this voyage?
Three ships and ~100 people.
Who was Chief Powhatan's daughter?
This shows cardinal directions on a map
Name one of the countries the European explorers came from?
Name one reason the colony failed.
Became part of the local Native American tribe
Killed by the Native Americans
Why did they want to settle in Jamestown? Why that location? (Same question, just worded differently :)
Far enough inland to hide from the Spanish
Deep water anchor for the ships
Swamp and river offers protection from local Native Americans
Why is Pocahontas so famous today?
Because she was said to have "saved" John Smith.
What do we call the name of the four directions that fall halfway between the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west called.
Intermediate Directions
Name one other explorer we studied
Ibn Battuta
Zheng He
Christopher Columbus
Henry Hudson
John Cabot
Vasco da Gama
Hernan Cortes
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado
Juan Ponce de Leon
Jacques Cartier
Francisco Pizarro
Ferdinand Magellan
Who was the man that went back to England to collect more supplies, but then got held up by the Spanish war, and returned three years later to find an empty colony.
John White.
Incentive to buy stock and fund the London Company because the company promised to pay back and more.
Joint Stock Company was created - investing in “shares” of companies that would then make you rich.
Establish colonies in North America
Find gold
Find a water route to the Pacific
He was a captain, explorer, and one of the people who made "friends" with Pocahontas. He was also said to have been kidnapped by Chief Powhatan. Finally, it is also said he helped with the development and success of Jamestown.
Imaginary lines that help to determine the location of any place on Earth. You must name both of the words.
Latitude and Longitude