First auxiliary organization in the Church?
What is the Relief Society.
Compiled by Emma Smith and came off the press in 1836.
What was the first Latter-Day Saint Hymnal.
Blue and Gold
What are the Relief Society colors.
She was the first General Relief Society President.
Who was Emma Smith.
In 1906, the Relief Society donated these to the survivors of the San Francisco earthquake and those experiencing famine in China.
What are train cars full of wheat.
"Charity Never Faileth"
What is the Relief Society Motto.
As members of the Relief Society, "We'll comfort the weary and strengthen the weak." Name this hymn.
What is "As Sisters in Zion"
Date the oldest and largest women's organization in the world, known as the Relief Society was organized.
What is March 17, 1842.
Camille N. Johnson
Who is our current General Relief Society President.
She said, "We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another, and gain instruction that we may all sit down in heaven together."
Who is Lucy Mack Smith.
Sego Lily / Wheat Sheaf
What is the Relief Society Emblem.
Closing song at the 1st RS meeting held in 1842. Hint: "No longer as strangers on Earth need we roam .... we'll love one another and never dissemble."
What is "Now Let Us Rejoice".
In 1918, all 200,000 bushels of Relief Society wheat were sold to the United States government to meet the food emergency caused by this event.
What is World War I.
She was the second General Relief Society President
Who is Eliza R. Snow.
Original Purpose of Visiting Teaching before changing to current goal of bringing the spirit into homes through friendly visits.
What is goal of gathering money for charity.
Written for all Relief Society Sisters in September 1999, under President Mary Ellen Smoot’s Presidency.
What is the Relief Society Declaration.
Number of hymns Eliza R. Snow wrote in the current hymn book.
What is 10.
Over 7 million women, in over 188 countries.
What is the membership of the Relief Society.
Who said, " It is not possible to sin enough to be happy. It isn't possible to buy enough to be happy, or to entertain or indulge or pamper ourselves enough to be happy. It is not possible to hide enough or run far enough away from trials and troubles to be happy."
Who is Sherri Dew?
What the sisters formed to contribute to the building of the Nauvoo Temple.
What is a sewing society.
Sister Parkin said that sisters do visiting teaching for this reason: "To bear one another's burdens .... to mourn with those that mourn .... comfort those that stand in need of comfort." Name this scriptural reference.
What is Mosiah 18: 8-9
How many hymns written by Latter Day Saints were selected for the first Hymn Book?
What is 35? Emma Smith selected 35 hymns written by Latter-day Saints for the first LDS hymnal in 1835. The current LDS hymnbook includes 26 of those hymns
At the onset of this new women's organization, and after some discussion, the sisters decided to call themselves by this name.
What is the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo
She served longer, as the General Relief Society President, then any other woman in the history of the Relief Society.
Who is Belle S. Spafford (served 29 years 1945-1974).
During World War I (1917-1919) the Red Cross had an approximate membership of 50,000 women in the U.S. Of that number, approximately how many were also members of the Relief Society?
What is 47,000.