Roaring 20s
Roaring 20s
Roaring 20s
Roaring 20s
Roaring 20s

Worst period of economic hardship in the U.S.

A. The Great Depression

B. The Cotton Club

C. The Great Migration

A. The Great Depression


The condition of being out of work

A. Prohibition 

B. Laziness

C. Unemployment

C. Unemployment



Public forms of communication that reach large audiences.

A. The Harlem Renaissance 

B. Speakeasies 

C. Mass Media 

C. Mass Media 


Programs created to help the country out of the Great Depression.

A. The New Deal

B. Fireside Chats

C. Hoovervilles

A. The New Deal 


Period in which artist used writing, music and art to share ideas and feelings about life for African Americans.

A. Migrant Workers

B. The Harlem Renaissance

C. Stock Market Crash

B. The Harlem Renaissance


The period when alcohol was banned

A. Prohibition

B. Speakeasies 

C. The Jazz Age

A. Prohibition


Area of the Great Plains affected by the dust storms.

A. Kansas

B. South Carolina

C. The Dust Bowl

C. The Dust Bowl


The event when thousands of African Americans moved from the south to the north looking for opportunity.

A. The Great Depression

B. The Harlem Renaissance 

C. The Great Migration 

C. The Great Migration


Shantytowns that were named after the President because people disliked him

A. The New Deal

B. Hoovervilles

C. Roosevelt Roosters

B. Hoovervilles



Why were people ready to have fun in the 1920’s?

A. WWI had just ended

B. WWII had just ended

C. They disliked the president

D. They were tired of being unemployed

A. WW1 had just ended


What allowed Henry Ford’s Model T to be built in a very short time, allowing for the price to be half of the other cars?

A. The use of cheaper materials 

B. The use of assembly lines

C. Not following safety standards

D. The fact that no two cars were alike

B. The use of assembly lines



Why did Prohibition fail?

A. Police had little success in stopping bootleggers

B. Many bootleggers moved their business to Canada

C. Many people moved to Europe where they could still buy alcohol

D. Many people spent their money on their families instead of alcohol

A. Police had little success in stopping bootleggers


. The creation of new household appliances had the following effect on women’s lives:

A. They had to get jobs in offices

B. They became lazy and watched TV all day

C. They had to work harder and longer hours

D. They were able to do more work at a faster pace and it made work easier

D. They were able to do more work at a faster pace and it made work easier


How did the invention of the radio bring changes to life in the U.S.?

A. It persuaded young couples to wait to get married

B. It provided entertainment, news and commercials in the 20’s

C. It caused people to panic and sell their stocks

D. It created new jobs for children


B. It provided entertainment, news and commercials in the 20s


During Prohibition some people made alcohol illegally and sold it to individuals and clubs. These people were known as:

A. Smugglers

B. Hijackers

C. Bootleggers

D. Conservationists


C. Bootleggers 


All of these are causes of the what?

  • Using borrowed money to buy stocks 
  • High tariffs on foreign goods
  • People could not pay back money to the bank
  • Stock Market Crash of 1929

  • A. Causes of the Harlem Renaissance
  • B. Causes of the Great Migration
  • C. Causes of the dust bowl
  • D. Causes of the Great Depression

D. Causes of the Great Depression



The stock market crash of 1929 occurred because?

A. There were too many people without full time jobs

B. More people wanted to sell their stock than to buy new stocks

C. Farmers could not produce enough food for the country

D. WWI caused the economy to crash

B. More people wanted to sell their stock than to buy new stocks


What happened after the stock market crash?

A. The economy grew weak

B. The economy grew strong

C. There was a boom in the economy

D. People borrowed money to buy stocks

C. There was a boom in the economy


What was the Great Depression?

A. A group of people who traveled around looking for work

B. A song about the 1930’s

C. A low place in the road

D. A time in the 1930’s when many people lost their jobs and homes because of the collapse of the U. S. Economy.

D. A time in the 1930's when many people lost their jobs and homes because of the collapse of the U.S economy. 


What happened to bank customers after the stock market crash?

A. They earned interest on their savings accounts

B. Many of them lost their savings when the banks closed

C. They sold their shanties to banks for profit

D. They asked the bank for loans to buy stocks

B. Many of them lost their savings when the banks closed


As a result of the dust bowl, many people lost income from their farms. In order to earn money they did what?

A. Moved east and got jobs in factories

B. Moved west to California and worked as Migrant Workers

C. Stayed in the Dust Bowl area and tried to save the farms

D. Headed South to Mexico

B. Moved west to California and worked as Migrant Workers


Relief, Reform, and Recovery, were three goals of the?

A. Great Migration

B. Progressives

C. New Deal

D. Hunger Relief Program

C. The New Deal


This program was started during the New Deal and still exists today to provide funds for people that are retires or disabled. This program is called?

A. Civilian Conservation Corps

B. Social Security Administration

C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

D. Tennessee Valley Administration


B. Social Security Administration


What was the name of the reform program that hired young men to build parks and plant trees for $30, food and housing?

A. Civilian Conservation Corps

B. Social Security Administration

C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

D. Tennessee Valley Administration

A. Civilian Conservation Corps



This federal agency was established to provide insurance coverage for bank deposits. This agency is called?

A. Civilian Conservation Corps

B. Social Security Administration

C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

D. Tennessee Valley Administration

C. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation