People to Know
Women of the 1920s
1920s Politics
1920s Pop Culture
Key Terms

The most popular celebrity of the 1920s - home run record holder.

Who is Babe Ruth?


What group is shown in this picture?

Who are Flappers?


What aspect of the United States in the 1920s is shown in the above political cartoon?

What is Immigration Quotas?


The major issue debated during the Scopes "Monkey" Trial was the teaching of ________________ in schools.



The mass movement of Black Americans from the South to cities in the industrialized North during the early 20th century.

What is the Great Migration?


Started a “Back to Africa” movement that included encouraging Black people to move to the country of Liberia in West Africa?

Who is Marcus Garvey?


What was different about the "flappers" when compared to a traditional 1920s woman?

a. They rejected traditional 1920s ideas of what was acceptable behavior for women.

b. They smoked cigarettes, went out dancing at night clubs, drank alcohol, and wore “short” skirts.

c. They “bobbed” their hair (cut it short) and listened to jazz music.

d. They worked outside the home at different jobs not previously available to their mothers and grandmothers.

e. All of the above.

e. All of the above.


This US president believed in smaller gov't. Supported laissez-faire economics, and was in office from 1923-1930.

Calvin Coolidge


Which of the following was NOT part of the Harlem Renaissance?

a. Music

b. Novels and short stories

c. Black American shared experience and culture

d. The Liberian independence movement.

d. the Liberian independence movement


The outlawing of the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol in the US between 1920 and 1933.

What is the Prohibition?


Famous Black poet of the Harlem Renaissance. Innovator of “jazz poetry. Author of plays, short stories, and essays.

a. Marcus Garvey

b. Babe Ruth

c. WEB DuBois

d. Langston Hughes

d. Langston Hughes?


Which amendment gave women the right to vote (suffrage)?

a. 18th

b. 19th

c. 20th

d. 21st

b. The 19th amendment


What was one condition of life in the U.S. in the 1920s that motivated the Immigration Quotas?

a. Overcrowding and extreme poverty in rural communities where German immigrants lived.

b. American pride following victory in World War I.

c. The work of women such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

d. Rising fears of communism. 

d. rising fears of communism


Which of the following was NOT a popular type of music during the Roaring Twenties?

a. Rock n' Roll

b. Jazz

c. Swing

d. The Blues

a. Rock n' Roll


Americans were encouraged to buy and use more mass-produced goods. This included new appliances, inventions, and cars.



Which of the following is NOT true of F. Scott Fitzgerald?

a. He and his wife Zelda lived a wild lifestyle.

b. He wrote "The Great Gatsby"

c. His work highlighted the decadent lifestyle of wealthy Americans during the Roaring Twenties.

d. He was an immigrant from Ireland who arrived at Ellis Island with only $2 in his pocket.

d. He was an immigrant from Ireland who arrived at Ellis Island with only $2 in his pocket.


A French Resistance agent, civil rights activist, and the first Black American to star in a Hollywood movie.

Who is Josephine Baker?


The Volstead Act--

a. Defined a drink as intoxicating if it contained more than 1% alcohol.

b. Led to the collapse of the League of Nations.

c. Established the Veterans Administration to support soldiers returning from World War I.

d. Established the “Cash & Carry” policy to support America’s allies in war.

a. Defined a drink as intoxicating if it contained more than 1% alcohol.


A pop culture icon of the 1920s, he flew his plane The Spirit of Saint Louis across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris. The kidnapping of his son was called "the crime of the century".

Who is Charles Lindbergh?


"Nobody'll dare

Say to me, "Eat in the kithcen,"


Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am

And be ashamed--

I, too, am America."

What condition of life in the 1920s was Langston Hughes writing about in the above poem?

a. Prohibition

b. Segregation

c. Nationalism

d. The lack of labor unions

b. Segregation


Harlem Renaissance author who wrote the classic "Their Eyes Were Watching God"

Zora Neale Hurston


A writer, activist and educator who helped legalize contraception, led an organization that would become Planned Parenthood.

Margaret Sanger


Which regions of Europe were negatively impacted the most because of the US immigration quotas?

Southern and Eastern Europe


Which of the following was directly related to the Red Scare?

a. The establishment of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).

b. The murder trial of Sacco and Vanzetti.

c. The Scopes Trial

d. Prohibition

b. the murder trial of Sacco and Vanzetti


October 29, 1929 - the day the US stock market crashed which lead to the Great Depression of the 1930s is also known as what? 

Black Tuesday