New Deal
Harlem Renaissance
Stock Market
Dust Bowl
The New Deal tried to solve this financial crisis.
What is the Great Depression?
This music came out of Harlem in the 1920s.
What is jazz? Blues?
This "hands off" approach by the government during the 1920s helped lead to the Great Depression
What is Laissez Faire?
The Dust Bowl took place in this area of the country.
What is Great Plains?
FDR came from this state, where he was a governor.
What is New York?
This system was set up for the retired and elderly to let workers pay into it so the government can lend assistance.
What is Social Security?
This writer kept record of the time and was known for his great poetry and civil rights work.
Who is Langston Hughes?
Buying stocks and good based on this meant you take it now and pay for it later.
What is credit/margin?
These are some of the reasons for the soil failing. (Give at least two)
What is poor crop rotation, over cultivating, shallow planting, drought.
This quote came during his inaugural address, trying to keep the nation calm and instilling hope that he would get them out of the Depression.
What is "we have nothing to fear, but fear itself?"
This organization was set up to insure bank accounts up to $5,000 in case you account was lost.
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
This is the name for someone that does a little bit of everything to expand the mind and soul. These people are usually scene during great times in history. (Think Da Vinci)
What is a renaissance man?
The goal of the stock market is to buy HERE and sell HERE.
What is buy low, sell high?
This is what some farmers had to do after they lost all of their money.
What is sell their farms?
FDR and other liberals, believed that government had this role in society
What is be big and provide for those less fortunate to level the playing field?
This program was eventually ruled unconstitutional because it manipulated farm prices.
What is Agricultural Adjustment Act?
Along with the music and clubs, women dressed very risque at this time. This is the name they were given.
What is a flapper?
Wall Street is in this city
What is New York?
This is what many farmers did to try and raise prices for their crops
What is growing less?
FDR suffered from this disease, that made him require leg braces.
What is polio?
This were the three goals of the New Deal Programs.
What is: 1. Immediate Relief for the needy 2. Economic Recovery 3. Prevention for the future
This musician was the heart and soul of jazz, as well as a key figure in society at the time.
Who is Louis Armstrong?
This is why banks were not able to give everyone their money back.
They don't hold everyone's accounts in one place, they used money deposited to lend out to people that need loans.
Some farmers benefited from this program of the New Deal, that gave money to those that lost work.
What is unemployment insurance?
FDR's wife is also a key figure in American History, this was her name.
What is Elanor?