1920s Culture
1920s Economics
1920s Politics
1920s Society

This style of music was brought to northern cities by southern African Americans

What is Jazz?


In order to convince people to buy their goods and services companies started using this tactic.

What is advertising? 


A desire to value native-born Americans more than foreigners or immigrants 

What is Nativism?


This scandal exposed the corruption of the Presidency and decreased public confidence in politicians. 

Teapot Dome Scandal


These women rejected traditional values, wore skirts, and attended dance halls

Who are flappers?


This is what made Ford's manufacturing more efficient and led to his success in the automobile industry. Later adapted into different industries.

What is the assembly line?


This President was steeped in controversy due to his multiple affairs and his Cabinet's shady dealings.

Who is Warren G. Harding?


This is the name given to the movement of large numbers of African Americans from the South to the North in search of better economic opportunity and to escape discrimination.

What is the Great Migration? 


The rapid development of this in the aftermath of WWI and during the 1920s led to the emergence of uniquely American identity

What is mass culture?


The economy grew in the 1920s as consumers began to buy goods they could not normally afford and growing their personal debt by using this method

What is buying on credit/installemnt plans?


In 1921, this specified how many people from each country could enter America. 

What is the quota system? 

The Scopes trial was about whether or not to teach this in schools.
What is evolution?

People used this term to describe an area of New York experienced a resurgence in music, dance, literature, theatre, and other forms of art in the 1920s. 

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


These types of taxes are used to prop up and protect American businesses from foreign manufacturers and goods. 

What are tariffs?


This president was elected on his platform of minimal government, high tariffs, and low taxes.

Who is Calvin Coolidge?


This term describes the fear and distrust towards those deemed as "radicals" during the 1920s. Began due to the Russian Revolution. 

What is the Red Scare?