1920s Part 1
1920s Part 2
Imperialism Pt. 1

Businesses used new marketing methods to attract customers. They also had innovative plans to help consumers pay for products. This plan involves buyers paying a small down payment on a productand then pay a monthly payment. 

What are installment plans? 


Attorney General Palmer assisted by J. Edgar Hoover, arrested and deported foreign born radicals all over the country over the fear of communism. Threatening Civil liberties. What were these called? 

What are the Palmer Raids?


Women were granted the right to vote in the 19th amendment. These groups of women were fashionable young women who wore lipstick, short hair, and straight simple dresses. The term reffered to their greater freedom.  

Who are the flappers?


Formally ending the Russo-Japanese War. The Untied States acted as an international mediator and established negotiations between Russia and Japan. Roosevelt’s main mission was to establish peace and create a precedent for America’s involvement in Asian political affairs. 

What is the Treaty of Portsmouth?


These Christians believe in the literal turth of the bible. John Butler (Science teacher) was fired and arrested for teaching the theory of evolution to his students, leading to the Scopes trial. What were these Christians called? 

Who are the Fundamentalists?


Two italian anarchists were arrested in 1920 for the murder of a guard during a robbery. After and unfair trial they were convicted on flimsy evidence and executed. Shows the extreme domestic reaction to the fear of communism. 

Who are Sacco and Vanzetti? 


Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration. This style of journalism fueled pro-war sentiment. 

What is yellow journalism?


President Roosevelt established himself as “king” of the Western Hemisphere and denied Europe from imperializing in Latin countries. He believed that the United States had the responsibility to preserve order and protect life. What was this policy called?

What is the Big Stick Policy?


African Americans developed a greater sense of cultural pride. This flourishing growth of African American culture, writers, poets, became known as the: 

What is Harlem Renaissance? 


under their motto the "one-hundred percent Americanism". African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and others who did not fit their racial and cultural profile were considered outsiders and became targets of their hatred. 

Who is the KKK? 

Cuba wanted to gain its independence from Spain. The United States with imperialistic intentions came to the aid of Cubans. The U.S Navy power dominated the Spanish in under 4 months. Led to Spanish losing territories in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines. 

What is the Spanish American War?


this called for protecting of equal privileges for all countries trading with China.

What is the Open Door Policy?


In 1922, Congress passed this to raise the amount of tarriffs (taxes on imports) to help American farmers from foreign competition. 

What is the Fordney-McCumber Act? 


The 18th Amendment and this act introduced Prohibition, but many Americans failed to obey it. 

What is Prohibition?


The Teller amendment promised the United States would not annex Cuba if it won the war, but this amendment overturned teller by establishing that the United States claims the right to intervene in Cuban Affairs because Cuba a “protectorate” state. 

What is the Platt Amendment?


As a response to the United States taking over the Phillippines, poet Rudyard Kipling describe the duty of the United States to imperialize minority countries as it is their duty to save the ”savages”. What is the name of the poem?

What is the White Mans Burden? 


Complete opposite to the KKK. This organization promotes the advancement of colored people, advocating for rights and equality. Created by W.E.B DuBois

What is the NAACP?

this refers to the transition from wartime to peace. Soldiers returning home struggle finding employment, factories no longer need to produce as much as they need for the so they are suffering, women & minorities are now getting high levels of unemployment. 

What is demobilization? 


After the mysterious explosion of the USS Maine, President McKinley hesitated declaring war on Spain. Until the leaking of ________ where a Spaniard referred to President McKinley as a weak and cowardly leader. Increasing the likelihood of war with Spain. 

What is the De Lome Letter?


Queen Liliioukalani was overthrown leading to this chain of islands getting annexed because the United States wanted to use as a parking lot for military bases, navy ships, etc….. This is why Pearl Harbor attack happened here. 

What is Hawaii?