A Return to Normalcy
US Economy
1920's Presidents and Government
Cultural Positives and Conflicts

A return to normalcy means....

Coming back from World War I isolation


Name of the gangster most associated with Prohibition

Al Capone


"Buying now, Paying later" is called ______ or ______?

Installment buying or credit


What was the major oil scandal called involving President Harding?

The Teapot Dome Scandal


Who was the first person to cross the Atlantic Ocean safely in an airplane, and nickname?

Charles Lindbergh (Lucky Lindy)


Who coined the term, "A Return to Normalcy"?

President Warren G. Harding


Name the two Amendments that brought about Prohibition, and ended it?

18th and 21st Amendments


What is a stock?

Part-ownership of a company/ business


Which president go most of the credit for the booming US economy in the mid-late 1920's?

President Calvin Coolidge


Who went on trial for murder, with very little evidence?

Sacco and Vanzetti


Name the treaty that the US signed which outlawed war as a response to international conflicts?

The Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)


Name three ways women changed during Prohibition.

1) Smoked and drank       6) Prostitution

2) Shorter dresses

3) Short hair

4) Make up

5) Went to speakeasies


What is the name of stock purchases made mostly by the Banks

Buying on Margin


Who was president when the Stock Market crashed in late-1929?

President Herbert Hoover


The Harlem Renaissance writers/ authors tended to write books based on their experiences during _______ ?

World War I


Name two reasons the Stock Market crashed:

1) stock speculation

2) Too much Margin (banks not repaid)

3) Credit system went crazy

4) Overproduction


Name three 'unintended consequences' of the Prohibition movement

1) Crime rates soared

2) Alcohol-related deaths increased

3) People drank more anyway

4) Organized crime increased

5) Family Unit was worse off


Name three new inventions that Americans bought to make their lives much easier/ major impact on the US economy?

1) Washing machines

2) Vacuum cleaners

3) Refridgerators

4) irons

5) electricity


Name two ways the US Government responded to the Red Scare.

1) The Palmer Raids

2) Immigration Quotas

3) Mass deportations


Explain the verdict/penalty in the Scopes Trial

Guilty/ $100 fine


Explain why the United States entered a brief 'recession' after World War I ended (two reasons)?

1) Soldiers came home to almost no jobs

2) Once turned off, the 'war machine' needed time to adjust to pre-war business


The many mafia killings on February 14th, 1929 was called:

The St. Valentines Days Massacre


There were many people in the US who did not share in the prosperity of the Roaring 20's.  Name 3 of them.

1) Farmers (overproduction of crops)

2) Railroad workers (cars took over)

3) Coal Miners (oil took over)

4) Clothing industry (ie. especially the rapidly-changing women's clothes - shorter skirts meant less fabric, etc.)

5) Labor Unions (bad reputation during the Red Scare)


Name the case that limited our First Amendment rights, explain the reasons why, and the 'test' for limiting free speech.

1) Schenck vs. United States (1919) 

2) A person cannot yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater

3) The "Clear and Present Danger" Test


Who was Marcus Garvey, and why did he start a boat business called the 'Black Star Line'?

1) One of the first AA civil rights leaders

2) Because he wanted to bring AA's back to Africa in his "Back to Africa" Movement