Important People
Important Inventions
Mixed Bag
Big Change
Big Money

Question: Known as the "Father of Jazz," this influential musician revolutionized the genre with his virtuosic trumpet playing and distinctive gravelly voice. Who is the jazz icon behind classics like "What a Wonderful World" and "Hello, Dolly!"?

Who is Louis Armstrong


Question: In the 1920s, this groundbreaking technology became a cultural phenomenon, revolutionizing entertainment, news dissemination, and communication by allowing for the widespread broadcasting of music, news, and shows to millions of households across the United States. What invention transformed society during the Roaring Twenties?

What is the Radio


What even sparked the shift in culture and attitudes about life in the 1920s

WW1 ending


Question: This 19th-century movement, spanning decades of activism, protests, and advocacy, finally culminated in the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, granting women the constitutional right to vote in the United States. What is the name of this pivotal movement in the fight for gender equality?

What is Womens Suffrage


Question: This revolutionary method of production, pioneered by Henry Ford in the early 20th century, dramatically increased efficiency by allowing for mass production of goods through a series of standardized tasks performed by workers stationed along a moving conveyor belt. What is this manufacturing innovation that transformed industries worldwide?

What is the Assembly Line


Question: Elected in 1928, this Republican president faced the daunting task of leading the nation through the Great Depression, implementing policies that ultimately proved ineffective in addressing the economic crisis. Who was the president who presided over the beginning of the Great Depression?

Who is Herbert Hoover


Question: Introduced by the Ford Motor Company in 1908, this iconic automobile became the first mass-produced car, revolutionizing transportation by making automobiles affordable to the average American. What was the name of this pioneering vehicle, famously available in "any color you want, as long as it's black"?

What is the Model T


Question: What is the term for the organized system where shares of publicly traded companies are bought and sold?

What is the stock market


 Originating in the African-American communities of New Orleans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, this uniquely American musical genre combines elements of African rhythms, blues, and European harmonies, ultimately becoming a symbol of freedom and expression. What is the name of this influential genre that emerged during the early 20th century?

What is Jazz 


Question: During the 1930s, a severe drought coupled with unsustainable farming practices led to the devastating ecological disaster known as the Dust Bowl. Which region of the United States, primarily encompassing parts of Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, and Colorado, was most affected by this catastrophic event?

What is the Midwest/great plains


Question: In 1927, this American aviator achieved worldwide fame by completing the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean, flying from New York to Paris in his monoplane, the Spirit of St. Louis. Who was this trailblazing pilot?

Who is Charles Lindbergh


Question: This labor-saving appliance, which became more widely accessible in American households during the 1920s, revolutionized domestic chores by automating the process of cleaning clothes through mechanical agitation and rinsing. What household device eased the burden of laundry during the early 20th century?

What is the Washing Machine


Question: On this infamous day in history, October 29th, 1929, the New York Stock Exchange experienced a catastrophic collapse, marking the beginning of the Great Depression. What happened on the day referred to as "Black Tuesday"?

What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929


This vibrant cultural movement of the 1920s saw the emergence of African-American literature, music, art, and social commentary in the neighborhood of Harlem, New York City, leaving a lasting impact on American society. What is this period known as?

What is the Harlem Rennaisance


Question: In the 1920s, many people bought shares of companies hoping their value would increase. What do we call these shares that people buy?

What are Stocks


Question: This president, elected in 1932 and re-elected three more times, implemented the New Deal, a series of programs and reforms aimed at combating the Great Depression and promoting economic recovery. Who was the president known for his "fireside chats" and his leadership during the New Deal era?

Who is FDR


Question: Invented by Charles Darrow during the Great Depression, this popular board game tasks players with buying, trading, and developing properties to bankrupt opponents. What is the name of this classic board game, often referred to as "the game of real estate"?

What is Monopoly


Question: This iconic public work project, initiated during the Great Depression, aimed to provide employment opportunities while improving infrastructure across the United States, resulting in the construction of roads, bridges, and public buildings. What was the name of this program that put millions of Americans to work?

What is the New Deal


Question: Ratified in 1920, this constitutional amendment granted women the right to vote, marking a significant milestone in the history of American democracy. What is the amendment number that is commonly referred to as the "Women's Suffrage Amendment"?

Amendment 19


Question: During the Prohibition era in the United States (1920-1933), these illicit establishments served as hidden bars or nightclubs where alcohol was illegally sold and consumed, often under the guise of legitimate businesses. What is the term for these underground venues of revelry and defiance against alcohol prohibition laws?

What is a Speak Easy


Question: This influential figure of the Harlem Renaissance, known for his poetry and prose that captured the experiences of African Americans, penned works such as "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" and "Harlem (Dream Deferred)". Who is the renowned poet and writer whose works became emblematic of the African American experience in the 1920s and beyond?

Who is Langston Hughes


Question: In 1923, this African-American inventor patented a groundbreaking traffic signal that included a warning light, revolutionizing road safety by allowing for clearer indications of when to stop, go, and proceed with caution. Who is the inventor credited with improving traffic control with his innovative stoplight design?

Who is Garrett Morgan


Question: What do we call the act of putting money into financial assets with the expectation of achieving profit or income?

What is investing


Question: This significant demographic shift saw millions of African Americans leaving the Jim Crow South for better economic opportunities, increased political rights, and escape from racial violence, particularly during the early to mid-20th century. What is the term used to describe this mass movement of African Americans to the northern states?

What is the Great Migration


Question: This Jamaican-born activist and leader founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in 1914, advocating for black nationalism, Pan-Africanism, and economic self-sufficiency for African Americans. Who is the influential figure known for his promotion of black pride and empowerment during the early 20th century?

Who is Marcus Garvey