Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
What is the system in which stocks are bought, sold, and traded?
Stock market
What was the first national radio network?
National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
What marked the beginning of the Great Depression?
Stock market crash
What are items that can be touched and used?
What was President Roosevelt's plan to give government more power to help the nation recover financially from the Great Depression?
New Deal
What public works project provided hydroelectricity for several southwestern states?
Boulder Dam (or Hoover Dam)
What organization was formed to protect the constitutional rights of Americans?
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Who owns stock in a company?
What is something needed to survive?
Which helped establish a government fund that workers contributed to in order to receive monthly funds after they retired?
Social Security Act
What was a way to purchase items by promising to make monthly payments until the item was paid in full?
Who was the first President to give his inaugural address over the radio?
Who was the early filmmaker and creator of the cartoon character Mickey Mouse?
Walt Disney
What is something not needed to survive?
What was the organization created to help achieve racial equality?
Nineteenth Amendment
Who was the famous lawyer who defended the Bible and won the case against evolution being taught in the public schools of Tennessee?
William Jennings Bryan
Who was the president during the Great Depression?
Herbert Hoover
What is the quantity of an available item?
Who was a leader in the women's suffrage movement?
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
What was the time when many Black Americans moved north to find jobs?
Great Migration
Who was the most popular baseball player of the 1920s?
Babe Ruth
Dust Bowl
What is the economic system (also called free enterprise) allowing individuals to own businesses and make a living without government control?