Roaring Twenties 1
Roaring Twenties 2
Great Depression 1
Great Depression 2
The New Deal
What inventions changed women’s lives during the Roaring Twenties?
Electric irons and washing machines were invented, making work in the home much easier for women.
What 2 inventions changed transportation in the Roaring Twenties?
The invention of the Motel T Ford and air travel made transportation faster.
What are shantytowns? Who were they named after?
Shantytowns are make-shift homes that the homeless made out of scrap lumber and empty boxes in parks and other public spaces. These shantytowns were called “Hoovervilles”, named after President Herbert Hoover.
What is the stock market?
A place where stocks in a company are bought and sold
Describe the New Deal and who invented it.
President Franklin Roosevelt proposed a wide range of programs, called the New Deal, which focused on three goals: relief, recovery, and reform. Relief programs set out to assist with the feeding and housing of the poorest American citizens.
Why were consumer products more affordable during the Roaring Twenties?
Products could be produces faster and cheaper through mass production on assembly lines.
What are two examples of mass media in the Twenties?
The radio and the movies
Describe the Dust Bowl
Overworking farmland and drought caused the Dust Bowl conditions of the Midwest. This led others, such as the Okies (people from Oklahoma), to migrate to California where they sought jobs as migrant workers.
Where did Okies migrate toward in search of jobs?

What is the CCC?

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a relief program designed to provide young men who were roaming the countryside in search of work the opportunity to build parks and plant trees. The CCC can also be a recovery program because its purpose was to put money into the hands of people; who would in turn spend it, and help businesses to recover.


What is the 19th amendment? 

Gave women the right to vote.


Describe the Harlem Renaissance.

Great interest and activity in the arts and music, especially among African American artists living in New York. This was a result of the Great Migration and African Americans bringing their culture from the South to the Northern cities.

What are 3 causes of the Great Depression
1. Credit 2. The Stock Market Crash 3. The Dust Bowl

What is a hoboe? 

An unemployed young men and some young women who took to the highways or rode the trains from town to town seeking work or a handout


What was the SEC?

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to regulate trading on the stock market and curb out-of-control high-risk investments that led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929. This program required full disclosure of the information on stocks being sold

Describe the Great Migration
African Americans moved from southern rural areas to northern urban areas. They moved because they were facing the Jim Crow laws and lynching’s (being hung), as well as the economic hardship of sharecropping, and the lack of job opportunities.
What happened during Prohibition?
Prohibition outlawed the production and distribution of alcohol and was intended to control the immigrant

Describe the Stock Market Crash

Investors in the stock market recognized the slowing of the economy (people could not buy as much), they suddenly began selling their stocks. This sale was made worse because some investors had borrowed in order to buy stocks and could not pay off loans due to the devaluation of stocks. The stock market crash resulted.

Why did African Americans migrate north during the Great Migration?
They moved because they were facing the Jim Crow laws and lynching’s (being hung), as well as the economic hardship of sharecropping, and the lack of job opportunities.
What was the Social Security Act?
Social Security was also designed to make sure the disabled and the elderly would have some income and that the unemployed were protected against lay-offs.

What did America do about European immigrants when they felt the immigrants were taking away jobs from people born in America?

Americans made laws for immigration quotas to limit the number of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe.

This is Someone who makes or sells alcohol illegally.
What is bootleggers

How did the Great Depression affect people's lives?

Businesses fired workers, decreasing wages (paychecks), decreasing buying power (people can’t buy as much), and decreasing prices. Failed businesses laid off more workers. Unemployed borrowers were unable to pay off their bank loans. People lost their savings due to bank failures.


What were the causes of the Dust Bowl?

Bad farming methods, heavy wind, and drought caused the Dust Bowl. AKA Overproduction of goods

Which New Deal Organization still exists today?
Social Security